HC Deb 27 November 1984 vol 68 cc442-4W
Mr. Michael Forsyth

asked the Secretary of State for Employment how many staff have been employed by his Department's secretariat servicing wages councils in each of the last five years.

Mr. Peter Bottomley

The number of staff in post in the office of wages councils, which provides the secretariat for the councils, on 1 October in each of the last five years was as follows:

1980 15
1981 16
1982 14
1983 12
1984 11

Mr. Michael Forsyth

asked the Secretary of State for Employment what was the cost of maintaining the wages councils, including his Department's secretariat, for each of the past five years.

Mr. Peter Bottomley

The cost of maintaining wages councils, including the cost of the Wages Inspectorate, for each of the past five years is set out below.

£ million
1979–80 4.325
1980–81 4.277

£ million
1981–82 4.067
1982–83 3.839
1983–84 4.029

Mr. Gerald Howarth

asked the Secretary of State for Employment if he will publish a list of the backdated awards made by wages councils over the past five years.

Mr. Peter Bottomley

A list of backdated awards is as follows:

Wages council Effective date of award Date of issue of wages orders
Aerated waters (Scotland) 17 September 27 September
Aerated waters (E and W) 26 March 13 June
Boot and shoe repairing 12 February 3 May
Button manufacturing 1 October 8 November
Coffin furniture and cerement making 1 December 6 February
Cotton waste reclamation 28 April 3 June
Flax and hemp 23 July 14 September
General waste materials reclamation 28 July 10 August
Hat, cap and millinery 2 April 22 June
Laundry 20 February 1 March
Licensed non-residential establishment 15 January 14 February
Licensed residential and restaurant 6 October 5 December
Linen and cotton handkerchief etc. 4 June 5 June
Made-up textiles 1 December 20 February
Ostrich and fancy feather etc. 23 October 26 November
Perambulator and invalid carriage 23 April 13 June
Retail bespoke tailoring 4 June 12 July
Retail food and allied trades 3 December 3 March
Retail trades (non-food) 8 October 5 November
Toy manufacturing 23 June 20 July
Unlicensed place of refreshment 18 June 3 August
Aerated waters (Scotland) 15 September 18 September
Aerated waters (E and W) 1 January 6 March
Button manufacturing 6 October 3 November
Coffin furniture and cerement making 1 December 27 January
Cotton waste reclamation 28 April 14 May
Flax and hemp 23 July 13 August
General waste materials reclamation 28 July 29 August
Hat, cap and millinery 1 April 18 April
Linen and cotton handkerchief etc. 2 June 8 July
Made-up textiles 1 December 17 February
Ostrich and fancy feather etc 20 October 10 November
Perambulator and invalid carriage 21 April 13 May
Retail bespoke tailoring 28 January 5 February
Retail food and allied trades 1 December 27 February
Toy manufacturing 23 June 30 June
Unlicensed place of refreshment 18 June 6 August
Boot and shoe repairing 12 February 20 February
Button manufacturing 19 October 27 November
Cotton waste reclamation 27 April 8 May
General waste materials reclamation 28 July 13 October

Wages council Effective date of award Date of issue of wages orders
Hat, cap and millinery 2 April 19 May
Laundry 20 February 2 April
Made-up textiles 1 December 13 January
Retail food and allied trades 6 April 28 April
Sack and bag June 24 June
Toy manufacturing 22 June 13 July
Unlicensed place of refreshment 15 June 6 July
Aerated waters (England and Wales) 1 January 12 January
Button manufacturing 19 November 17 January
Clothing manufacturing 1 January 9 February
General waste materials reclamation 28 July 9 August
Hat, cap and millinery 1 April 23 April
Licensed residential and restaurant 6 October 8 October
Made-up textiles 1 December 9 December
Ostrich and fancy feather etc. 1 January 14 January
Perambulator and invalid carriage 19 April 14 May
Retail bespoke tailoring 31 March 13 April
Retail food and allied trades 5 April 27 April
Retail trades (non-food) 5 April 21 April
Sack and bag 1 May 9 July
Toy manufacturing 21 June 23 July
Unlicensed place of refreshment 14 June 23 June
Button manufacturing 21 November 21 December
Clothing manufacturing 1 January 9 February
Coffin furniture and cerement making 1 December 17 January
Flax and hemp 20 July 25 August
Hairdressing undertakings 11 April 31 May
Laundry 20 February 8 April
Licensed non-residential 15 January 4 February
Linen and cotton handkerchief etc. 18 July 29 July
Made-up textiles 1 December 6 December
Ostrich and fancy feather etc. 1 January 12 January
Retail food and allied trades 4 April 29 April
Retail trades (non-food) 4 April 8 April
Sack and bag 30 May 1 July
Toy manufacturing 20 June 18 July
Unlicensed place of refreshment 30 June 19 September

Mr. Gerald Howarth

asked the Secretary of State for Employment how many prosecutions were brought by wages councils over the last five years.

Mr. Peter Bottomley

The numbers of employers prosecuted for offences under the Wages Councils Act 1979 were 12 in 1979, eight in 1980, 10 in 1981, seven in 1982 and two in 1983.

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