HC Deb 15 November 1984 vol 67 c356W
Mr. Frank Field

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if it is his policy positively to encourage take-up of means-tested and other social security benefits.

Mr. Newton

The Department's objective is to ensure that all those who might be entitled to benefit know what is available and we encourage take-up in a variety of ways. Leaflets and claim forms are distributed widely and the Department has developed the Freefone benefit advice service. This is in operation in all areas except for London postal districts which we hope to bring in next year.

The Department also channels information directly to potential beneficiaries. For example, about three months before attaining pension age everyone with a national insurance contribution record is sent an invitation to claim retirement pension; a leaflet inviting a claim to supplementary benefit is issued to all retirement pensioners, widows, sickness benefit claimants and unemployed claimants; one-parent benefit and family income supplement and advertised in every child benefit order book; and those claiming maternity benefit are invited to claim child benefit in due course.

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