HC Deb 02 May 1984 vol 59 c154W
Mr. Hanley

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs when he expects the report of the United Kingdom observers sent to the recent elections in El Salvador to be published; and what are its conclusions.

Mr. Whitney

A copy of the report by Sir James Swaffield and Dr. David Browning was laid on the table of the House yesterday. The Report is being published today and copies have been placed in the Library and Vote Office.

The report's findings are that a reasonably free and secure election was held; that the voter had real choice; that the armed forces remained strictly neutral; and that the results were apparently accurate and free of fraud. The report concludes that the majority of Salvadorian reject the extremes of Left and Right who employ violence and terrorism.

We welcome this further step in the establishment of democracy in El Salvador, and look for similar developments in other countries of the region.