HC Deb 23 July 1984 vol 64 cc401-3W
Mr. Bermingham

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will give the latest figures of how many mentally disordered people in prison have received major tranquillisers.

Mr. Hurd

This information is not available. Statistics on the number of doses of psychotropic drugs (including tranquillisers as well as antidepressants and sedatives) dispensed in establishments are given in table 7 of the "Annual Report on the Work of the Prison Department for 1983".

Age Sex Prison Offences of which convicted or offence charged Earliest date of release from prison Date of receipt of report recommending transfer Regional Health Authority
37 M Wandsworth Rape 20 March 1986 24 May 1983 North West Thames
48 M Wakefield Murder Life imprisonment 13 July 1983 Yorkshire
28 M Wandsworth Arson 7 January 1986 28 September 1983 South East Thames
36 M Parkhurst Murder Life imprisonment 3 November 1983 None (request made for a place in a special hospital)
30 M Wandsworth Theft 1 October 1984 9 January 1984 North West Thames
38 M Wandsworth Rape 10 December 1985 13 January 1984 South East Thames
23 M Wormwood Scrubs Murder Life imprisonment 8 February 1984 None (request made for a place in a special hospital)
32 M Parkhurst Manslaughter Life imprisonment 10 February 1984 None (request made for a place in a special hospital)
40 M Parkhurst Theft, GBH 18 February 1985 12 April 1984 North East Thames
43 M Parkhurst Rape, indecent assault 23 March 1986 27 April 1984 None (request made for a place in a special hospital)
22 M Wandsworth Wounding 29 November 1984 2 May 1984 None (request made for a place in a special hospital)
22 M Wandsworth Criminal damage, arson, GBH 28 March 1985 2 May 1984 Not yet identified
60 M Parkhurst Wounding Life imprisonment 3 May 1984 South East Thames
21 M Wandsworth Possession shortened shotgun 10 February 1986 4 June 1984 East Anglian
35 M Lewes Arson Life imprisonment 18 June 1984 None (request made for a place in a special hospital)
20 M Swinfen Hall Burglary, attempted robbery 12 March 1986 22 June 1984 North Western
35 M Leeds Robbery 15 October 1986 26 June 1984 Trent
55 M Wakefield Murder Life imprisonment 26 June 1984 Northern
36 M Featherstone Buggery, indecent assault Life imprisonment 28 June 1984 None (request made for a place in a special hospital)
33 M Wakefield Attempted murder, robbery Life imprisonment 6 July 1984 None (request made for a place in a special hospital)
38 M Gartree Arson 19 May 1986 10 July 1984 Not identified
34 M Parkhurst Murder Life imprisonment 12 July 1984 None (request made for a place in a special hospital)
30 M Wandsworth Assault 16 July 1984 Not yet identified
18 M Birmingham Attempted assault Remand prisoner 17 July 1984 Not yet identified
22 M Wandsworth Burglary, GBH 7 June 1988 18 July 1984 Not yet identified

Mr. Bermingham

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many mentally disordered offenders there were in prison at the latest available date,

Mr. Bermingham

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many mentally disordered people in prison are receiving treatment by the prison medical service; and how many of these people are receiving treatment in a prison hospital.

Mr. Hurd

On 30 March 1984, the last date for which these figures are available, there were 310 inmates who were assessed by prison medical officers as suffering from mental disorder within the terms of the Mental Health Act 1983. The other information requested is not available.

Mr. Bermingham

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many mentally disordered offenders are awaiting transfer to a National Health Service or special hospital; and if he will list their ages, sex, prisons, convictions, release dates, length of time waiting and the regional health authority or special hospital concerned.

Mr. Mellor

Twenty-five prisoners are awaiting transfer to hospital under section 47 or 48 of the Mental Health Act 1983. The information requested is as follows. The regional health authorities listed are those which have to date been approached to provide hospital places; but in some cases the identification of the appropriate RHA is a difficult and time-consuming process.

broken down by prison, age, sex and category under the Mental Health Act 1983 under which they fall; and how many of those were sentenced, on remand awaiting trial, on remand awaiting sentence, or civil prisoners.

Mr. Hurd

I shall write to the hon. Member with the available information as soon as possible.

Mr. Bermingham

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will give a breakdown by year of how many mentally disordered offenders since 1979–80 have received electro-convulsive therapy, sex hormone implant treatment or psychosurgery.

Mr. Hurd

The number of inmates who received electro-convulsive therapy was 21 in 1981, four in 1982, and seven in 1983. Information is not available as to the proportion of these inmates who were assessed as mentally disordered within the terms of the Mental Health Acts 1959 and 1983. No inmates received sex hormone implant treatment or psychosurgery in this period.