HC Deb 31 January 1984 vol 53 cc166-7W
Mr. Meacher

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what was the level of national average earnings each year since 1970, both at current prices and at 1983–84 prices; and what was for each year in regard to the latter series, assuming the case of a married man with two children under 11 years, the tax and national insurance contributions paid and his income net of these deductions in each case.

Mr. Moore

[pursuant to his reply, 26 January 1984, c. 635]: The left hand part of the following table shows (a) estimates of average gross earnings for full-time adult males (all occupations) whose pay was not affected by absence, (b) income tax plus NI contributions less child benefit and (c) net earnings after tax, NIC and child benefit. The right hand part of the table shows each of these quantities revalued by movements in the general index of retail prices (RPI) to 1983–84. Average gross earnings have been assumed to increase by 7 per cent. between 1982–83 and 1983–84 and the RPI by 5 per cent. NI contributions are at the contracted-in rate and it has been assumed that no tax reliefs other than the appropriate personal and (for years up to 1978–79) child allowances are available.

At current prices Revalued to 1983–84 prices
Average gross earnings Income tax+NIC less child benefit Net earnings Average gross earnings Income tax+NIC less child benefit Net earnings
1981–82 148.40 33.77 114.63 166.83 37.97 128.86
1982–83 160.10 36.99 123.11 168.10 38.84 129.26
1983–84 171.30 38.51 132.79 171.30 38.51 132.79