HC Deb 31 January 1984 vol 53 cc181-2W
Mr. Latham

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services, in the light of the Minister for Health's letter to Dr. D. Irvine of the Royal College of General Practitioners, dated 19 December 1983, if circular HC (FP) (84), relating to general practitioner deputising services, is intended to be for consultation over a 10-week period or for immediate implementation by family practitioner committees.

Mr. Kenneth Clarke

It was made quite clear when the document was issued on 19 December 1983 that it was for consultation, not immediate implementation. We have allowed 10 weeks for consultation from that date.

Mr. Latham

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what action has been taken by family practitioner committees to enforce the existing procedures regarding deputising services prior to the issue of circular HC (FP) (84); and with what results.

Mr. Kenneth Clarke

Under existing guidance professional advisory committees have the task of ensuring that deputising services maintain proper professional standards and advising the FPCs accordingly. Procedures adopted by family practitioner committees for periodically reviewing consents to practitioners to use deputising services and any conditions imposed are varied, and include reviews at intervals of one, two and three years. It is for the family practioner committees to take any necessary action in the light of this information.

Mr. Latham

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what representations he has received from professional organisations representing general practitioners regarding circular HC (FP)(84); and what action he has taken in the light of those representations.

Mr. Kenneth Clarke

We have received representations from the general medical services committee of the British Medical Association, as the body, representing general medical practitioners and from the Royal College of General Practitioners as part of the wider process of consultation on the draft circular. I have proposed to the general medical services committee that it discusses its particular concerns about the guidance with our officials in parallel with the general consultation. The results of these discussions will be taken into account, along with the other comments on our proposals, in deciding the final form of the proposed circular.

Mr. Latham

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services how many family practitioner committees have indicated to him that they are treating circular HC (FP)(84) as an instruction for immediate implementation; and how many see it as a consultative document for comment and discussion.

Mr. Kenneth Clarke

The letter which we sent to all 90 family practitioner committee chairmen with the draft circular made clear that it is a consultative document. No committee has indicated to me that it is being treated as anything else.

Mr. Latham

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services whether, in view of the response by general practitioners to circular HC (FP)(84), he will now withdraw it and consult the medical profession urgently on new guidelines for deputising services.

Mr. Kenneth Clarke
