HC Deb 29 February 1984 vol 55 c221W
Mr. Dubs

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department (1) how many life sentence prisoners who would otherwise have been released on licence it is estimated will instead remain in prison each year as a result of the new 20 year minimum terms for certain categories of murder;

(2) what is the likely estimated increase in the average daily prison population as a result of the new 20-year minimum terms for certain categories of murder.

Mr. Mellor

It is not possible to make a reliable estimate of these figures.

Mr. Dubs

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department (1) what is the likely estimated increase in the average daily prison population as a result of the restriction of parole opportunities for certain categories of prisoner serving over five years;

(2) how many determinate sentence prisoners who would otherwise have been released on parole it is estimated will instead remain in prison each year as a result of the restriction of parole opportunities for certain prisoners serving over five years.

Mr. Hurd

An assessment of the working of the first six months of the new policy, which will provide the first reliable basis for estimating the figures requested by the hon. Member, will be made available after the summer recess.

Applications for entry clearance as visitors to the United Kingdom
Indian sub-continent Number of persons
Applications newly received Applications decided* Applications refused
India Bangladesh Pakistan India Bangladesh Pakistan India Bangladesh Pakistan
1978 11,290 1,710 4,020 10,900 1,690 3,660 640 40 570
1979 12,710 1,640 3,950 12,220 1,630 3,640 690 50 550
1980 10,780 1,820 3,640 10,550 1,770 3,160 620 70 390
1981 9,040 1,990 3,380 8,690 1,900 3,060 350 60 260
1982 6,500 1,400 2,530 6,010 1,370 2,250 300 130 140
†l983 4,280 1,420 1,540 3,930 1,200 1,350 190 240 80
* Granted or refused.
† January to September.

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