HC Deb 22 February 1984 vol 54 cc534-5W
Mr. Gould

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what are the reasons for the 11 per cent. reduction in exports since 1980 and for the 37 per cent. increase in imports of finished manufactures in the first nine months of 1983.

Mr. Channon

Such changes have to be viewed in the context of our overall trading position which has shown a large surplus in each of the last four years. The prospects for exports are excellent.

Mr. Gould

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry further to the reply of 3 February concerning the volume of exports of finished manufactures, Official Report, c. 380, why the Laspeyres series shows a larger increase that the Paesche series before 1979 and worse afterwards; and which series is to be preferred for estimating the change in the United Kingdom competitive position internationally.

Mr. Channon

The effect of using a Laspeyres volume index is to introduce an upward bias into volume movements since the base year and a downward bias into volume movements prior to the base year. The Paasche volume index produces the opposite effect.

Preference for either index is usually determined by practical considerations such as the purpose for which the index is to be used and the problems of compilation. For comparisons such as the hon. Member has asked me to make the Fisher Ideal Index—the geometrical mean of the Paasche and Laspeyres — seems to be the most appropriate. The relevant figures are as follows: —

Export Volume Index: Finished Manufactures OTS basis—Percentage change on previous year Fisher Ideal Index
Per cent.
1975 +5
1976 +3½
1977 +4½
1978 -2½
1979 -2
1980 +3½
1981 -4½
1983 -5½

Mr. Gould

asked the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry whether he will publish in the Official Report a table showing the trade deficit in finished manufactures with the European Economic Community and with the rest of the world on a balance of payments basis for each year since 1970 and for each quarter since the beginning of 1981.

Mr. Channon

The available information is as follows.

United Kingdom Balance of Trade in Finished Manufacutures*
£ million BOP Basis not seasonally Adjusted
European Community Rest of World
1970 +258 +1,845
1971 +141 +2,192
1972 -163 +1,851
1973 -461 +1,667
1974 -278 +2,300
1975 -425 +3,666
1976 -532 +4,467
1977 -551 +4,807
1978 -1,258 +5,003
1979 -2,032 +3,997
1980 -796 +4,854
1981 -1,809 +5,019
1982 -3,151 +4,467
Q1 -93 +1,290
Q2 -410 +1,169
Q3 -557 +957
Q4 -749 +1,603
Q1 -684 +1,248
Q2 -880 +1,118
Q3 -725 +910
Q4 -862 +1,191
Q1 -1,294 +511
Q2 -1,365 +687
Q3 -1,140 +698
* Standard International Trade Classification sections 7 and 8.