HC Deb 02 February 1984 vol 53 c321W
20. Mr. Heathcoat-Amory

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food whether he will list the measures the Government have taken over the last two years to help rectify the problems of the United Kingdom pig industry.

Mr. MacGregor

At the level of the European Community we have pressed for the early introduction of aids for private storage when the pigmeat market has shown signs of weakening; we have just secured the reintroduction of such aids as from 16 January. We have also pressed for export refunds to be maintained at appropriate levels. We have obtained from FEOGA funds a special allocation of £6 million under regulation 355/77 for the improvement of United Kingdom pigmeat processing plants. We are encouraging and helping the trade to open new export markets; since 1 June 1983 we, at an annual cost of £2.5 million, have paid for veterinary services in meat export plants. We have strongly supported the industry's own British charter bacon scheme.

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