HC Deb 19 December 1984 vol 70 cc222-3W
Mrs. Beckett

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what are the latest available figures for (a) the total number of statutory sick pay recipients, (b) of these the number also receiving supplementary benefit. (c) a breakdown of statutory sick pay recipients according to (i) whether they are single or married and (ii) which of the rates of statutory sick pay they are receiving, (d) the proportion of recipients qualifying for sickness benefit at the end of their eight weeks on statutory sick pay, and (e) the proportion of people falling sick who receive (i) statutory sick pay, (ii) sickness benefit and (iii) supplementary benefit for the first eight weeks of sickness.

Mr. Whitney

I regret the information is not yet available. Information on(a) will not be available until about the end of 1985. Items (b) and (e) cannot be fully answered until (a) is available. Information on (d) should be available about mid-1985. Information on (c) is not being collected.