HC Deb 19 December 1984 vol 70 cc209-11W
Mr. William Ross

asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland (1) what information he has as to the number of salmon which were taken by anglers in each stretch of the river Bush in each year since 1973 to the latest available date by (a) fly, (b) prawn, (c) worm and (d) spinning;

(2) how many salmon and grilse were taken by the fish trap on the river Bush at Bushmills in each year since 1973 for stripping; how many salmon parr were produced from those fish in each year; where they were used for

Catchment Total Area sq miles Area to Guage sq miles Minimum Daily Flow cusecs Average Daily Flow cusecs Maximum Flow cusecs
Main 274
to Dromona 88 23.0 187.0 2,594
Kellswater 49 8.0 93.0 4,539
Braid 68 3.0 113.0 3,569
Sixmilewater 116
to Antrim 107 30.0 117.0 5,376
Blackwater 568
to Maydown Bridge 367 12.0 490.0 3,759
Ballinderry 166
to Ballinderry Bridge 162 31.0 257.0 6,523

restocking; how many salmon nets were counted in the Bush system in each of those years; and what was the estimated production of parr from those redds;

(3) if he will publish a table in the Official Report to show how many salmon and grilse passed through the salmon trap on the river bank at Bushmills in each month in each year since 1973, the total for each year, the number of fish taken and sold by the Department of Agriculture in each year, the sums realised from any such sales annually and the average size of the salmon and grilse ascending the river in each year.

Dr. Boyson

I shall reply to the hon. Gentleman as soon as possible.

Mr. William Ross

asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what information he has as to the age of salmon fry at their migration from Northern Ireland rivers; and how this compares with other river systems in (a) the United Kingdom, (b) the Irish Republic, (c) Norway, (d) France, (e) Canada and (f) the United States of America.

Dr. Boyson

Information on the age of salmon fry at their migration is available in Northern Ireland only in respect of the river Bush, where it is one to two years. While there may be some published information in respect of the other countries listed, this could be extracted in a form suitable for meaningful comparison only at disproportionate cost.

Mr. William Ross

asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what reports he has received, and what research he has carried out, into the effects of the County Donegal offshore salmon fishery on salmon stocks in (a) the Foyle system, (b) the Bann system and (c) the other salmon rivers in Northern Ireland.

Dr. Boyson

A programme of work using micro-tagging techniques commenced in 1983 on the river Bush. This will be a long-term study which may throw light on the effects of the Co. Donegal offshore salmon fishing. While there were some returns of tagged fish in 1984 an analysis of these returns is not yet available. No recent comparable research has been undertaken on stocks from the Foyle and Bann systems.

Mr. William Ross

asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland if he will list in the Official Report (a) the catchment area of each salmon river in Northern Ireland in square miles, (b) the minimum flow expected and (c) the mean flow expected in cusecs and the maximum flow under flood conditions.

Dr. Boyson

The following information relates to those salmon rivers for which flow data are available:

Catchment Total Area sq miles Area to Guage sq miles Minimum Daily Flow cusecs Average Daily Flow cusecs Maximum Flow cusecs
Moyola 130
to New Bridge 118 29.0 222.0 3,946
Upper Bann 162
to Dynes Bridge 129 3.6 162.0 6,954
to Mountmill Bridge 51 0.6 69 1,095
Lower Bann 2,235
to Movanagher 2,011 424.0 3,514 14,049
Mourne 712
to Camowen 106 9.5 225.0 4,073
Drumragh 125 15.5 245.0 4,950
Fairywater 62 6.0 120.0 4,045
Derg 130 35.0 490.0 7,448
Faughan 115
to Drumahoe 105 27.0 248.0 6,482
Roe 151
to Ardnergle 141 32.0 337.0
Bush 129
to Seneirl Bridge 118 20.5 176.0 3,272

Mr. William Ross

asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland whether any angling clubs in (a) the Foyle Fisheries Commission area and (b) the Fisheries Conservation Board area make available to those two bodies details of any records regarding catches by anglers in respect of (i) salmon and grilse and (ii) sea trout; and how the success rate revealed by any such records compares with the angling catch reported directly by licence holders to the licence issuing authorities.

Dr. Boyson
