§ Mr. Rookerasked the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many fires resulting in death or injury in domestic premises were found to have been caused by paraffin stoves in the latest year for which figures are available.
§ Mr. MellorThe numbers of non-fatal and fatal casualties from fires in dwellings ignited by oil or petroleum fuelled space heating appliances in 1982 are published in table 31 of "Fire Statistics, United Kingdom 1982". Seventy of the 73 non-fatal casualties and all five of the deaths resulted from 53 fires in which the applicance concerned is known to have been fuelled by paraffin or kerosene.
§ Mr. Rookerasked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if the fire service inspectorate has ever expressed concern over the use of paraffin stoves in high rise flats.
§ Mr. MellorThe fire safety hazards of paraffin heaters are well recognised by all those with practical experience in this field. Guidance on how to prevent fires from this and other common sources of ignition is contained in a Home Office leaflet on fire safety in high rise flats, a copy of which has been placed in the Library of the House.