HC Deb 13 April 1984 vol 58 cc424-5W
Mr. Alex Carlile

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many prisoners currently serving sentences of life imprisonment have been held in prison for more than 15 years; and what was the comparable figure one year and two years ago, respectively.

Mr. Mellor

The readily available information is given in the following table:

Population* of life sentence prisoners in prison department establishments in England and Wales whose initial reception into a prison department establishment under sentence was more than 15 years earlier†
Life imprisonment Other indeterminate sentences‡ Total
28 February 1982
Total 89 2 91
Of which recalls║ 34 1 35
28 February 1983
Total 94 2 96
Of which recalls║ 34 34
29 February 1984
Total 10 3 113
Of which recalls║ 33 33
* The figures are those recorded centrally and are approximate detailed checking of individual cases would involve disproportionate cost
† Includes time spent on licence by prisoners recalled after having been released on licence
‡ Detention during Her Majesty's pleasure or for life under section 53, Children and Young Persons Act 1933
║ Prisoners who had been recalled after having been released on licence
{ Including persons treated as sentenced to custody for life under Sch 17, paragraph 8, Criminal Justice Act 1982