HC Deb 09 April 1984 vol 58 cc61-2W
Mr. Patchett

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department (1) what arrangements are made to supervise Mr. Peter Pickering, a patient at Park lane hospital, Merseyside, when he is allowed home on compassionate grounds; and (a) whether he is at all times accompanied, (b) how many people accompany him and (c) if the local police are always alerted;

(2) how many times Peter Pickering has been allowed out of Park lane hospital, Merseyside, on compassionate grounds.

Mr. Mellor

Between April 1982 and November 1983, the responsible medical officer had Home Office consent to grant occasional days' leave to Mr. Pickering at his discretion, provided that the patient was suitably escorted and that the responsible medical officer was satisfied that the grant of leave would involve no undue risk. In November 1983, the responsible medical officer was informed that my right hon. and learned Friend and I would not consent to the patient's conditional discharge from hospital, and that consent to leave of absence could in future be granted only for compassionate reasons. Since November 1983, leave has been granted to Mr. Pickering to visit his mother at her home, under supervision, on five occasions. On each of these occasions Mr. Pickering has been accompanied throughout the visit by two nursing officers; and the south Yorkshire police were informed.

My right hon. and learned Friend and I take the firm view that Mr. Pickering is not fit for release into the Community and should not leave the hospital except on these escorted visits.