HC Deb 03 April 1984 vol 57 cc502-3W
Mr. Peter Robinson

asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland (1) how many sheltered dwellings have been built in Northern Ireland in each of the last five years;

(2) how many sheltered dwellings are currently available in east Belfast; and how many such dwellings are scheduled to be built over the next five years;

(3) how much has been spent on the provision of sheltered dwelling complexes in Northern Ireland in each of the last five years.

Mr. Chris Patten

The number of units of sheltered accommodation (that is, purpose-built complexes with communal facilities and a permanent warden) provided by the Northern Ireland Housing Executive* and registered housing associations is as follows:

1979–80 291
1980–81 382
1981–82 40
1982–83 383
1983–84† 394
Total 1,490
† Estimate.

In east Belfast 118 such units have been provided to date, a further 24 are under construction and 171 are programmed over the next five years.

Information on expenditure is not available in the form requested and could only be obtained at disproportionate cost, but the total cost of schemes completed in the last 5 years is estimated at £24.6 million.

* Information in relation to the Housing Executive has been provided by the chairman.