HC Deb 25 October 1983 vol 47 c67W
Mr. Sims

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science if he proposes to amend the terms of reference of the University Grants Committee to reflect the changes in the arrangements under which the committee advises the Department of Education, Northern Ireland, on the funding and development of the Northern Ireland universities, which were announced by the hon. Member for Chelsea (Mr. Scott) on 25 March 1983, Official Report, c. 499–500.

Mr. Brooke

My right hon. Friend has amended the terms of reference of the University Grants Committee.

They are now as follows: To enquire into the financial needs of University education in the United Kingdom; to advise the Government as to the application of any grants made by Parliament towards meeting them; to collect, examine and make available information relating to University education throughout the United Kingdom; and to assist, in consultation with the Universities and other bodies concerned, the preparation and execution of such plans for the development of the Universities as may from time to time be required in order to ensure that they are fully adequate to national needs.

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