HC Deb 30 November 1983 vol 49 cc518-9W
Mr. Craigen

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what was the total amount of housing support grant to Scottish local authorities; and what was the average amount of housing support grant per council tenant in 1979–80, 1980–81, 1981–82, 1982–83 and 1983–84, respectively.

Mr. Ancram

The information is as follows:

Year Total Housing Support Grant* Average Housing Support Grant per Council Tenants
£ £
1979–80 213,400,000 239
1980–81 228,200,000 255
1981–82 161,900,000 181
1982–83 104,632,870 118
1983–84 72,135,479 82
* The figures for the years 1979–80 to 1982–83 include the provision made in both the main orders and subsequent variation orders. The figure for 1983–84 is that prescribed under the main order.
Based on local authority returns of housing stocks to Scottish Development Department.

Mr. Craigen

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what was the total amount of local authorities' rate fund contribution to their housing revenue accounts in Scotland; and what was the average amount of rate fund contribution to the housing revenue account per council tenant, in 1979–80, 1980–81, 1981–82, 1982–83 and 1983–84, respectively.

Mr. Ancram

The information is as follows:

Year Total Rate Fund Contribution to Housing Revenue Accounts £ Average Rate Fund Contribution to Housing Revenue Account per Council Tenant £
1979–80 72,923,733 82
1980–81 82,068,711 92
1981–82 106,827,354 120
1982–83 123,556,485 140
1983–84 125,700,850 144

Source: 1979–80–1982–83—Local Returns to Scottish Development Department.

1983–84—Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy Rating Review (June 1983).

Mr. Craigen

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what was the average unrebated rent paid by tenants of local authorities, new towns and the Scottish Special Housing Association in each year since 1978–79.

Mr. Ancram

Information on unrebated rent as at 30 September from 1978 to 1982 is published in "Scottish Housing Statistics"—Nos. 8, 12, 16 and 20—which are available in the Library. For 1983 the average annual unrebated rent for local authorities is estimated to be £512.16, the figure for new towns being £660.62, and for Scottish Special Housing Association, £622.14.

Mr. Craigen

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what was the average subsidy, excluding rent and rate

Housing Revenue Account
Year Loan charges Supervision and management Repairs and maintenance Other expenditure Total
£ £ £ £ £
1978–79 278,309,471 31,447,622 97,018,592 9,585,218 416,360,903
1979–80 343,009,867 38,925,339 126,288,576 9,868,743 518,092,525
1980–81 400,128,704 51,316,757 146,398,608 17,481,885 615,325,954
1981–82 413,826,369 55,855,786 165,464,754 16,208,820 651,355,729
1982–83 415,902,903 57,391,693 178,562,070 18,408,825 670,265,491
1983–84 415,163,471 67,834,084 173,805,486 15,415,275 672,218,316


1978–79–1982–83—Local Authority Returns tc Scottish Development Department.

1983–84—Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy Rating Review (June 1983).

Mr. Craigen

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what the total amount of income in Scotland to local authority housing revenue accounts from housing support

Housing Revenue Account
Year Housing support grant Rate fund contributions Rents Other income Total
£ £ £ £ £
1978–79 *142,706,504 55,614,509 205,759,512 12,280,378 416,360,903
1979–80 200,249,983 72,923,733 227,526,487 17,392,322 518,092,525
1980–81 228,233,985 82,068,711 272,882,782 32,140,476 615,325,954
1981–82 161,900,030 106,827,354 355,954,353 26,674,022 651,355,729
1982–83 104,353,253 123,556,485 414,340,310 28,015,443 670,265,491
1983–84 72,498,715 125,700,850 449,375,992 24,642,759 672,218,316
* This figure represents subsidies appropriate to housing revenue account prior to introduction of HSG in 1979–80.


1978–79–1982–83—Local Authority Returns to Scottish Development Department.

1983–84—Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy Rating Review (June 1983).