HC Deb 14 November 1983 vol 48 cc328-9W
Mr. Bermingham

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services which index is now used for ubrating supplementary benefit.

Dr. Boyson

The retail price index with housing costs excluded is being used this year, as it was in 1982.

Mr. Gordon Brown

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services how many children were living in families below the supplementary benefit level, on supplementary benefit and with incomes up to 40 per cent. above supplementary benefit level, classified by employment status and whether there were one or two parents, for 1981 on (a) the latest basis and (b) on a basis comparable to 1979.

Dr. Boyson

The figures are not readily available but I will reply to the hon. Member as soon as possible.

Mr. Gordon Brown

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services how many staff were employed in local offices on supplementary benefit claims at the latest date available.

Mr. Newton

It is not possible to give a separate figure for staff employed exclusively on claims work. However, on 1 November 1983, 35,764 staff were employed in the Department's local offices to deal with all aspects of supplementary benefit work.

Mr. Gordon Brown

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will publish in the Official Report estimated figures for the take-up of supplementary benefit for the most recent year for which figures are available on the same basis as the figures supplied for 1977 and 1979 in the Answer on 5 April 1982, Official Report, c. 247–250.

Dr. Boyson

I am not yet in a position to do so, but hope to be very shortly.

Mr. Bowden

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services, if he will estimate how many persons of pensionable age but below 70 years who are not disabled would be floated off supplementary benefit if their eligibility for heating additions on grounds of partial heating were removed; what would be the average loss involved; and what would be the total saving to the Exchequer.

Dr. Boyson

No statistics are recorded on the number of supplementary benefit claimants who pay a fixed c large to their landlords for heating, nor on the proportion of such claimants who need extra heating above that provided by the fixed charge and may therefore be entitled to other heating additions. It is not therefore possible to estimate accurately the effect of any changes to the regulations governing payment of heating additions to claimants in this position.