HC Deb 08 November 1983 vol 48 c82W
Mr. Meacher

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what was the total number of (i) home helps, (ii) health visitors, (iii) community nurses, (iv) meals on wheels workers and (v) social workers, all in whole-time equivalents employed in each of the last five years.

Mr. Kenneth Clarke

The following table gives the total numbers of whole-time equivalent home helps, health visitors, community nurses and social workers, as at 30 September, for each year for 1978 to 1982. Information on the number of meals on wheels workers is not collected, but the numbers of meals served in the relevant financial years can be given.

of home helps and field work staff — Social and community workers—and meals served—not workers—for each local authority.

The information relating to health authority staff--community nurses and health visitors-is only available centrally broken down into figures for each health authority. To break it down into figures for each local authority would incur disproportionate cost.