HC Deb 22 March 1983 vol 39 cc360-1W
Mr. Pendry

asked the Secretary of State for Employment how many and what proportion of workers covered by each wages council, and by all wages councils, come under the following headings: (a) male—female, (b) full-time—part-time, (c) home workers, (d) under 18—over 18 years, (e) manual—non-manual and (f) trade union members—non-trade union members.

Mr. Alison

Precise information on the number and composition of employees covered by wages councils is not available. However, a broad picture of the distribution of full-time employees who were reported as within the scope of wages councils in the new earnings survey, April 1982 is given in the following table. The survey does not collect information about trade union membership or home

Percentage distribution of full-time employees covered by certain Wages Councils
Wages Council Male Female Under 18 Aged 18 and over Manual Non-manual
Clothing manufacturing 17 83 7 93 93 7
Textiles etc. manufacturing
Made up textiles 38 62 3 97 92 8
Other manufacturing
Aerated waters—England and Wales 75 25 4 96 75 25
Retail Distributive trades
Retail trades (Food and Allied trades) 46 54 9 91 25 75
Retail trades (Non-Food) 40 60 3 97 18 82
Licensed residential establishment and licensed restaurant 56 44 5 95 76 24
Licensed non-residential establishment 57 43 2 98 69 31
Unlicensed place of refreshment 31 69 6 94 81 19
Other Services
Hairdressing undertaking 15 85 15 85 95 5
Laundry 38 62 1 99 81 19
All Wages Councils 41 59 6 94 48 52

Source: New Earnings Survey, April 1982

Note: Only councils for which there were at least 100 full-time employees in the new earnings survey sample included.