HC Deb 15 March 1983 vol 39 c81W
Mr. Austin Mitchell

asked the Minister for Trade whether he will bring up to date the information given in the reply of 14 May 1982, Official Report, c. 343, concerning United Kingdom and German export prices.

Mr. Sproat

The information is as follows:

Exports of Manufactured Goods
Percentage changes in unit values between December 1981 and December 1982
United Kingdom* Federal Republic of Germany†
Finished Manufactures +5.6 +4.5
Passenger Motor Cars -0.1 +4.5
Consumer Goods‡ +8.5 +3.0
Investment Goods|| +3.1 +5.1
Section 7 (SITC) +5.4 +4.7
* Department of Trade
† Preise und Preisindizes fur Die EM und Ausfuhr—F.R.G.
‡ United Kingdom figure excludes Passenger motor cars
|| United Kingdom figure in respect of capital goods