HC Deb 03 March 1983 vol 38 c191W
Mr. McQuarrie

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what proportion of the funds allocated for the Sea Fish Industry Authority marketing project will be spent on staff, offices and administration overheads.

Mr. Buchanan-Smith

This is a matter which the Sea Fish Industry Authority will be considering in the context of its overall budget for 1983–84 and its marketing programme for this and future years.

Mr. McQuarrie

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food when he expects a full scale marketing project to be undertaken by the Sea Fish Industry Authority; and what is the total cash budget allocated for this purpose.

Mr. Buchanan-Smith

The Sea Fish Industry Authority is in the process of developing a programme for improving the marketing of fish. It is, therefore, not yet possible to predict what level of funding will be required to support this programme, which will cover a number of years. The authority intends to submit its plans to my right hon. Friend as soon as they are prepared.

Index of industrial production: 1975=100 Seasonally adjusted
All industries excluding construction Manufacturing industries
Year UK USA Italy France FRG Canada Japan OECD EEC UK USA Italy France FRG Canada Japan OECD EEC
1970 1 97 92 93 86 96 83 89 91 n/a 97 93 94 87 97 83 89 n/a n/a
2 97 92 91 88 97 81 92 91 n/a 98 92 92 88 98 81 92 n/a n/a
3 97 92 92 88 97 82 93 92 n/a 98 92 93 88 98 81 93 n/a n/a
4 98 90 92 90 97 82 93 91 n/a 99 89 93 90 98 80 94 n/a n/a
1971 1 97 92 91 91 99 84 94 92 n/a 97 91 93 91 100 83 94 n/a n/a
2 98 93 90 92 98 85 93 93 n/a 98 92 90 91 99 85 94 n/a n/a
3 97 93 92 94 98 88 95 93 n/a 97 93 92 93 98 88 95 n/a n/a
4 97 95 94 96 96 89 95 94 n/a 97 95 95 96 97 89 95 n/a n/a
1972 1 93 98 94 96 99 90 97 96 n/a 95 98 95 97 100 89 97 n/a n/a
2 100 100 95 98 101 92 99 98 n/a 100 101 94 99 101 92 99 n/a n/a
3 101 102 94 99 100 93 102 100 n/a 101 103 94 101 101 93 102 n/a n/a
4 104 106 101 101 103 97 107 104 n/a 105 107 102 104 104 97 107 n/a n/a
1973 1 107 108 96 103 107 101 113 106 104 107 109 96 106 108 101 114 n/a n/a
2 108 110 105 104 107 102 115 108 106 108 111 105 108 108 101 116 n/a n/a
3 108 111 110 106 107 103 117 109 107 109 112 110 110 108 103 118 n/a n/a
4 108 112 111 107 108 105 119 110 109 109 113 112 109 109 105 120 n/a n/a
1974 1 101 110 112 109 107 108 119 110 108 105 112 114 113 108 108 120 n/a n/a
2 108 111 114 110 107 107 114 110 109 109 113 115 113 108 107 115 n/a n/a
3 107 112 112 110 105 106 110 109 107 108 114 112 114 105 106 110 n/a n/a
4 104 106 102 103 101 104 104 104 104 105 107 103 106 101 104 105 n/a n/a
1975 1 103 96 100 100 98 100 98 98 102 104 96 101 101 98 99 98 98 n/a
2 99 97 98 99 98 99 99 98 98 99 97 97 98 97 99 99 98 n/a
3 98 102 100 99 98 100 101 100 97 98 103 100 99 98 100 101 100 n/a
4 100 105 102 103 101 101 102 103 101 99 105 102 102 100 102 102 103 n/a
1976 1 100 108 105 106 104 103 107 106 104 100 109 106 106 104 104 107 106 n/a
2 103 110 112 108 106 106 110 108 107 102 112 111 110 107 107 111 109 n/a
3 102 112 114 110 107 107 113 110 108 101 113 114 112 107 107 113 110 n/a
4 106 112 118 110 108 106 114 111 110 103 114 119 112 108 106 114 111 n/a

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