§ Mr. Eggarasked the Secretary of State for Industry if he will give the index numbers for (a) total industrial output and (b) manufacturing output, for every quarter since 1970, first quarter, based on 1975=100 for the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Italy, France, West Germany, Canada and Japan, compared with the average for all Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries and the average for all European Economic Community countries.
§ Mr. Butcher[pursuant to his reply, 21 February 1983, Vol. 37 c. 338]: Such information as is readily available is given in the following table:
All industries excluding construction Manufacturing industries Year UK USA Italy France FRG Canada Japan OECD EEC UK USA Italy France FRG Canada Japan OECD EEC 1977 1 108 114 117 112 109 108 115 112 113 105 116 120 115 109 108 116 113 n/a 2 108 117 113 111 108 108 115 113 111 102 119 113 112 108 108 115 113 n/a 3 108 118 114 110 108 108 115 113 110 103 120 113 111 109 108 115 114 n/a 4 108 119 110 109 109 109 117 113 109 102 121 110 110 110 108 117 114 n/a 1978 1 109 120 113 111 109 109 120 115 111 103 122 114 112 109 109 120 115 n/a 2 112 123 114 113 109 112 122 116 112 105 125 114 114 109 113 122 117 n/a 3 113 126 116 113 112 112 123 118 112 105 128 114 113 112 114 124 118 n/a 4 112 128 120 116 113 116 126 121 115 103 130 121 117 113 118 126 121 n/a 1979 1 114 130 122 115 113 118 128 122 115 102 132 123 117 112 120 129 122 n/a 2 119 129 119 117 116 119 131 123 118 108 132 119 118 116 120 132 123 n/a 3 115 130 124 121 118 120 134 124 119 103 132 121 123 118 121 134 124 n/a 4 115 130 130 120 119 119 137 125 120 104 132 132 120 119 120 138 126 n/a 1980 1 113 130 135 121 119 119 142 126 120 100 131 138 122 120 120 143 127 n/a 2 110 123 133 118 117 115 143 123 119 98 124 134 119 117 115 144 123 n/a 3 106 121 126 117 115 116 140 121 116 94 122 *127 118 116 115 141 120 n/a 4 104 126 128 116 114 119 142 123 114 90 128 129 115 114 118 143 123 113 1981 1 103 129 129 115 116 120 144 124 114 89 130 131 114 116 120 144 124 113 2 104 130 128 117 115 123 144 124 114 89 131 129 114 115 124 145 124 113 3 104 130 125 118 115 120 147 125 114 90 131 126 114 115 120 148 124 112 4 105 124 128 118 114 114 150 123 114 90 125 129 114 114 113 151 122 113 1982 1 104 120 131 115 116 111 149 121 115 89 120 132 112 116 109 150 121 114 2 105 118 127 116 114 108 146 120 115 89 119 127 114 114 107 147 119 113 3 105 117 121 n/a 110 105 149 118 112 88 118 121 109 110 105 150 117 109 4 104 115 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 87 116 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a * The manufacturing index for Italy from Q3 1980 is not strictly comparable with figures for earlier periods. n/a Not available.
Sources: CSO, OECD, SOEC.