HC Deb 29 July 1983 vol 46 cc628-43W
Mr. George

asked the Lord Privy Seal what was the percentage attendance rate and annual percentage turnover of members of each of the departmental Select Committees and their Sub-Committees for each year since 1979 up to the dissolution of Parliament; and what were the overall figures for the Parliament.

Mr. Biffen

The information on the percentage attendance rate of hon. Members for each of the departmental Select Committees for Sessions 1979–80, 1980–81 and 1981–82 has already been published in a parliamentary answer on 17 November 1982. — [Vol. 32, c.176–77.]

The information for Session 1982–83 and for the whole of the last Parliament is as follows:

Session 1982–83
Attendance per cent. Turnover per cent.
Agriculture 71 0
Defence 73 18
Education, Science and Arts 63 0
Employment 70 22
Energy 63 18
Environment 68 9
Foreign Affairs 78 36
Sub-Committee 83 40
Home Affairs 73 18
Sub-Committee 92 20
Industry and Trade 67 9
Scottish Affairs 71 15
Social Services 71 22
Transport 65 0
Treasury and Civil Service 85 0
Sub-Committee 71 0
Welsh Affairs 79 9

Parliament 1979–83
Attendance per cent. *Turnover per cent.
Agriculture 78 44
Defence 73 36
Education, Science and Arts 69 11

Attendance per cent. *Turnover per cent.
Employment 71 66
Energy 64 36
Environment 69 64
Foreign Affairs 78 64
Sub-Committee 72 67
Home Affairs 81 55
Sub-Committee 89 60
Industry and Trade 76 27
Scottish Affairs 78 85
Social Services 71 44
Transport 70 18
Treasury and Civil Service 88 36
Sub-Committee 69 86
Welsh Affairs 78 27
* This figure represents the percentage change in membership based on those who were members of the Committee at the beginning of the existence of the Committee and who remained members at the dissolution.

Mr. George

asked the Lord Privy Seal what is the average period that has elapsed from the publication of reports of the departmental Select Committees to the response; and if he will give a breakdown of the average period elapsing relating to each of the committees.

Mr. Biffen

The average time which has elapsed between the publication of reports and the departmental replies in the last Parliament is as follows:

Agriculture 110
Defence 90
Education, Science and Arts 116
Employment 60
Energy 86
Environment 95
Foreign Affairs 115
Home Affairs 70
Industry and Trade 81
Scottish Affairs 123
Social Services 125
Transport 150
Treasury and Civil Service 87
Welsh Affairs 98
All departmental Select Committees 102

Committee No. of visits 1979–80 No. of visits 1980–81 No. of visits 1981–82 No. of visits 1982–83
£ £ £ £
Abroad 2 6,656 3 5,422 3 4,720 1 8,548
Within United Kingdom 2 1,802 5 2,226 2 4,198 2 143
Total 4 8,458 8 7,648 5 8,918 3 8,691
Abroad 2 5,393 2 14,357 4 36,564 2 17,269
Within United Kingdom 7 6,738 5 1,007 4 336
Total 9 12,131 7 15,364 8 36,900 2 17,269
Education, Science and Arts
Abroad 2 8,367 4 19,190 1 6,961
Within United Kingdom 16 1,639 8 520 8 7,180 9 2,080
Total 18 10,006 12 19,710 8 7,180 10 9,047
Abroad 1 11,025 2 5,289 4 29,897
Within United Kingdom 10 4,420 3 1,983 2 914 1 259

In calculating these averages no account has been taken of those Reports to which a reply was not expected or is still outstanding.

Mr. George

asked the Member answering for the House of Commons Commission if he will list the number of temporary Select Committee assistants appointed for each of the departmental Select Committees, their salary scales and the period for which they have been appointed.

Mr. Beith

Temporary assistants have been appointed to departmental Select Committees in the following numbers:

Select Committee Number of temporary assistants
Treasury and Civil Service 1
Environment 1
Social Services 1
Education, Science and Arts 1
Transport 1

Their salaries, which were fixed on appointment according to age, qualifications and experience, are within the salary range (including inner London weighting £1,250) £11,329–£13,768 per annum (Civil Service senior executive officer scale) and £9,416–£11,468 per annum (higher executive officer scale).

All were employed on an initial two year appointment with the possibility of a renewal of the appointment by mutual agreement for a further period not exceeding two years. The appointments of the last four mentioned have been so renewed for periods of 12 months.

Mr. George

asked the Member answering for the House of Commons Commission how many visits have been made by each of the departmental Select Committees, including visits by Sub-Committees, in the last Parliament (a) abroad and (b) within the United Kingdom for each Session since their appointment; and what is the total cost for each Committee for each Session together with the global list for each Committee and for all departmental Select Committees for each Session.

Mr. Beith

The information is set out in the following table:

Committee No. of visits 1979–80 No. of visits 1980–81 No. of visits 1981–82 No. of visits 1982–83
£ £ £ £
Total 11 15,445 5 7,272 6 30,811 1 259
Abroad 2 18,542 1 20,691 1 6,593 1 3,407
Within United Kingdom 4 153 2 877 5 1,570
Total 6 18,695 3 21,568 6 8,163 1 3,407
Abroad 1 7,032
Within United Kingdom 1 23 1 38 4 2,337
Total 1 23 1 38 5 9,369
Foreign Affairs
Abroad 2 22,322 5 33,680 3 42,352 5 19,220
Within United Kingdom 1 18 3 190
Total 2 22,322 6 33,698 3 42,352 8 19,410
Home Affairs
Abroad 1 10,592 2 18,814
Within United Kingdom 2 1,152 4 259 6 949
Total 2 1,152 5 10,851 2 18,814 6 949
Industry and Trade
Abroad 2 31,006 1 3,003 1 2,606 1 28,867
Within United Kingdom 2 1,153 2 230
Total 2 31,006 1 3,003 3 3,759 3 29,097
Scottish Affairs
Abroad 1 1,915 1 2,837 3 11,618
Within United Kingdom 16 7,211 10 3,190 8 4,357 7 3,956
Total 17 9,126 11 6,027 11 15,975 7 3,956
Social Services
Abroad 1 8,362 1 4,541 1 1,719
Within United Kingdom 2 753 4 3,535 3 2,763
Total 2 753 5 11,897 1 4,541 4 4,482
TreasuryCivil Service
Abroad 1 17,075
Within United Kingdom 5
Total 5 1 17,075
Abroad 2 3,072 2 21,374 2 9,473
Within United Kingdom 2 19 1 1,046 4 1,821
Total 4 3,091 2 21,374 1 1,046 6 11,294
Welsh Affairs
Abroad 1 2,427 2 7,977
Within United Kingdom 1 472 1 866 1 286 1 10
Total 1 472 1 866 2 2,713 3 7,987
GRAND TOTALS 79 135,065 67 162,974 49 184,250 54 158,952

The Accounts for 1981–82 and 1982–83 are not yet complete.

Mr. George

asked the Lord Privy Seal how many staff are employed within each Department related to a Select Committee to liaise with that Committee and to meet its requirements; what is the grade of each civil servant; and whether the number employed or their grade has been altered since the Committees were established.

Mr. Biffen

The staff time occupied within Departments on liaison work with departmental Select Committees, as on other aspects of Select Committee work, varies considerably between Departments, depending on the Select Committee concerned. In only four Departments (Ministry of Defence (2); Foreign and Commonwealth Office (2); Department of Education and Science (1) and Department of Trade and Industry (2)) are there staff principally employed on liaison work of this type.

It has been estimated that, in total, about 12,000 man days a year are spent by Departments on the overall requirements of Select Committees.

Mr. George

asked the Lord Privy Seal how many memoranda have been presented by Government Departments to each Select Committee and its Sub-Committees for each year from their inception up to the dissolution.

Mr. Biffen

The information, expressed by Session is as follows:

Committee Number of memoranda
Session 1979–80 1980–81 1981–82 1982–83
Agriculture 10 9 18 14
Defence 32 31 17 12
Education, Science and Arts 21 24 35 21
Employment 4 5 4 1
Energy 18 11 17 6
Environment 3 6 9 29
Foreign Affairs 51 53 49 49
Sub-Committee 25 37 28 31
Home Affairs 8 11 9 7
Sub-Committee 2 24 23 12
Industry and Trade 65 34 54 19
Scottish Affairs 12 12 24 19
Social Services 17 10 20 15
Transport 9 12 18 14
Treasury and Civil Service (including Sub-Committee)* 33 43 71 26
Welsh Affairs 5 5 11 3
* It is not possible to separate memoranda submitted to the main Committee and to the Sub-Committee.

Mr. George

asked the Lord Privy Seal if he will list the number of witnesses who appeared before each of the departmental Select Committees from their appointment up to the dissolution of Parliament, in total and for each year; how many times they have given evidence; what is the rank of each of the witnesses concerned; and if he will give similar information for (a) Cabinet Ministers and (b) other Ministers.

Mr. Biffen

The information, expressed by Session, is as follows:

1. Agriculture
(a) (b) (c)
Cabinet Ministers Non-Cabinet Ministers Officials
1979–80 Number of witnesses 1 0 23
Number of appearances 1 0 25
1980–81 Number of witnesses 0 0 13
Number of appearances 0 0 13
1981–82 Number of witnesses *1 0 18
Number of appearances 1 0 25
1982–83 Number of witnesses 0 0 10
Number of appearances 0 0 10
Total Number of witnesses 2 0 64
Number of appearances 2 0 73

Ranks: Permanent Secretary

Deputy Secretary

Chief scientists, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food

Director-General, Agricultural Development and Advisory Service

Chief Scientific Officer, Department of Agriculture for Northern Ireland

Under-Secretary, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for


Scientific Advisers, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for Scotland

Principal of College, Scotland

Chairman, Agricultural Research Council

Secretary, Agricultural Research Council

Director of Experimental Station

Under-Secretary, Department of Education and Science

Assistant Secretary, Department of Education and Science

* Not a formal proceeding

2. Defence
(a) (b) (c)
Cabinet Ministers Non-Cabinet Ministers Officials
1979–80 Number of witnesses 1 0 67
Number of appearances 1 0 91
1980–81 Number of witnesses 1 0 70
Number of appearances 2 0 86
1981–82 Number of witnesses 1 2 95
Number of appearances 3 2 106
1982–83 Number of witnesses 1 0 78
Number of appearances 1 0 114
Total Number of witnesses 4 2 310
Number of appearances 7 2 397

Ranks: Permanent Under-Secretary of State

Chief of Defence Procurement

Chief Scientific Adviser

Deputy Under-Secretary of State

Assistant Secretary


Deputy Director





Captain RN






Air Chief Marshal


Air Commodore


Wing Commander

3. Education, Science and Arts
(a) (b) (c)
Cabinet Ministers Non-Cabinet Ministers Officials
1979–80 Number of witnesses 2 0 13
Number of appearances 4 0 22
1980–81 Number of witnesses 1 2 40
Number of appearances 3 2 58
1981–82 Number of witnesses 5 8 22
Number of appearances 8 14 29
1982–83 Number of witnesses 2 5 28
Number of appearances 4 5 31
Total Number of witnesses 10 15 103
Number of appearances 19 21 140

Ranks: Permanent Secretary

Deputy Secretary

Under Secretary

Assistant Secretary


Senior Executive Officer

Senior Chief Inspector, Her Majesty's Inspectorate

Chief Inspector, Her Majesty's Inspectorate

Senior Inspector, Her Majesty's Inspectorate

Divisional Inspector, Her Majesty's Inspectorate

Chief Engineer and Scientist

Regional Staff Inspector

Special Adviser on Information Services, Department of Education and Science

Chief Scientist, Central Policy Review Staff

The Government Chemist

Departmental Record Officer

Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Department of Health and Social Security

Director-General, Prison Department

Director of Regimes and Services, Prison Department

Director of Personnel and Finance, Prison Department

Chief Education Officer, Prison Department

Chief Physical Education Officer, Prison Department

4. Employment
(a) (b) (c)
Cabinet Ministers Non-Cabinet Ministers Officials
1979–80 Number of witnesses 1 2 10
Number of appearances 4 2 13
1980–81 Number of witnesses 2 2 8
Number of appearances 4 2 10
1981–82 Number of witnesses 1 3 10
Number of appearances 3 4 13
1982–83 Number of witnesses 1 3 5
Number of appearances 3 5 5
Total Number of witnesses 5 10 33
Number of appearances 12 11 41

Ranks: Deputy Secretary

Under Secretary

Chief Statistician

Departmental Secretary

Senior Executive Officer


Assistant Secretary

Chief Wages Inspector

Principal Research Officer



Assistant Solicitor

5. Energy
(a) (b) (c)
Cabinet Ministers Non-Cabinet Ministers Officials
1979–80 Number of witnesses 1 0 4
Number of appearances 1 0 4
1980–81 Number of witnesses 1 0 26
Number of appearances 1 0 38
1981–82 Number of witnesses 2 2 10
Number of appearances 2 2 11
1982–83 Number of witnesses 1 1 15
Number of appearances 2 1 20
Total Number of witnesses 5 3 55
Number of appearances 6 3 73

Ranks: Permanent Under-Secretary

Deputy Secretary

Under Secretary

Assistant Secretary


Senior Economic Adviser

6. Environment
(a) (b) (c)
Cabinet Ministers Non-Cabinet Ministers Officials
1979–80 Number of witnesses 1 1 4
Number of appearances 1 1 4
1980–81 Number of witnesses 1 1 7
Number of appearances 1 1 8
1981–82 Number of witnesses 0 2 10

(a) (b) (c)
Cabinet Ministers Non-Cabinet Ministers Officials
Number of appearances 0 2 16
1982–83 Number of witnesses 1 0 15
Number of appearances 1 0 17
Total Number of witnesses 3 4 36
Number of appearances 3 4 45

Ranks: Deputy Secretary

Principal Finance Officer

Under Secretary

Assistant Secretary

Senior Economic Adviser


Deputy Chief Valuer

Assistant Chief Valuer

7. Foreign Affairs
(a) (b) (c)
Cabinet Ministers Non-Cabinet Ministers Officials
1979–80 Number of witnesses 1 5 44
Number of appearances 2 10 82
1980–81 Number of witnesses 2 5 39
Number of appearances 3 6 49
1981–82 Number of witnesses 2 1 22
Number of appearances 3 1 32
1982–83 Number of witnesses 1 1 30
Number of appearances 1 2 37
Total Number of witnesses 6 12 136
Number of appearances 9 18 201

RANKS: Permanent Secretary

Permanent Under-Secretary

Deputy Secretary

Deputy Under-Secretary

Under Secretary

Assistant Under-Secretary

Assistant Secretary

Senior Principal


Legal Counsellor

Second Legal Counsellor

Engineering Adviser

Senior Economic Adviser

Economic Adviser

Deputy Chief Scientific Adviser

Statistics Adviser


8. Home Affairs
(a) (b) (c)
Cabinet Ministers Non-Cabinet Ministers Officials
1979–80 Number of witnesses 1 2 26
Number of appearances 1 2 29
1980–81 Number of witnesses 3 1 41
Number of appearances 3 1 48
1981–82 Number of witnesses 3 4 41
Number of appearances 3 7 51
1982–83 Number of witnesses 0 1 25
Number of appearances 0 1 30
Total Number of witnesses 7 8 133
Number of appearances 7 16 158

RANKS: Permanent Secretary

Deputy Secretary

Under Secretary

Assistant Under Secretary

Assistant Secretary


Senior Executive Officer

Higher Executive Officer

Chief Inspector of Constabulary

Assistant Legal Adviser

Director of Statistics

Senior Economic Adviser

Chief Statistician

Chief Inspector, Her Majesty's Inspectorate

9. Industry and Trade
(a) (b) (c)
Cabinet Ministers Non-Cabinet Ministers Officials
1979–80 Number of witnesses 2 2 19
Number of appearances 2 2 21
1980–81 Number of witnesses 2 2 15
Number of appearances 4 2 19
1981–82 Number of witnesses 1 3 9
Number of appearances 2 6 9
1982–83 Number of witnesses 1 1 8
Number of appearances 1 1 8
Total Number of witnesses 6 8 51
Number of appearances 9 11 57

Ranks: Permanent Secretary

Deputy Secretary

Under Secretary

Assistant Secretary

Secretary and Accounting Officer

Principal Finance Officer

Deputy Chief Scientific Officer

Senior Principal Scientific Officer

Chief Executive Officer

Engineer Surveyor in Chief

Principal Surveyor

Economic Adviser

Principal Assistant Solicitor

10. Scottish Affairs
(a) (b) (c)
Cabinet Ministers Non-Cabinet Ministers Officials
1979–80 Number of witnesses 1 2 24
Number of appearances 1 2 28
1980–81 Number of witnesses 1 3 15
Number of appearances 2 4 22
1981–82 Number of witnesses 1 3 10
Number of appearances 2 3 16
1982–83 Number of witnesses 1 1 12
Number of appearances 1 1 14
Total Number of witnesses 4 9 61
Number of appearances 6 10 80

Ranks: Permanent Secretary

Deputy Secretary

Under Secretary

Director (PSA)

Assistant Secretary

Senior Principal


Senior Economic Adviser

Economic Adviser

Director (BRE)

Deputy Director (Building Directorate)

Assistant Director (Building Directorate)

Deputy Chief Scientific Officer

Senior Principal Scientific Officer

11. Social Services
(a) (b) (c)
Cabinet Ministers Non-Cabinet Ministers Officials
1979–80 Number of witnesses 1 2 11
Number of appearances 3 2 24

(a) (b) (c)
Cabinet Ministers Non-Cabinet Ministers Officials
1980–81 Number of witnesses 1 0 12
Number of appearances 2 0 22
1981–82 Number of witnesses 2 4 23
Number of appearances 2 4 33
1982–83 Number of witnesses 1 2 10
Number of appearances 1 2 17
Total Number of witnesses 5 8 56
Number of appearances 8 8 96

Ranks:Deputy Secretary

Under Secretary

Assistant Secretary


Deputy Chief Medical Officer

Senior Principal Medical Officer

Senior Medical Officer

Chief Scientist

Deputy Chief Nursing Officer

Chief Social Work Officer

12. Transport
(a) (b) (c)
Cabinet Ministers Non-Cabinet Ministers Officials
1979–80 Number of witnesses 1 1 13
Number of appearances 2 1 23
1980–81 Number of witnesses 0 1 7
Number of appearances 0 1 9
1981–82 Number of witnesses 1 0 18
Number of appearances 3 0 26
1982–83 Number of witnesses 1 1 20
Number of appearances 1 1 24
Total Number of witnesses 3 3 58
Number of appearances 6 3 82

Ranks: Permanent Secretary

Deputy Secretary

Under Secretary

Assistant Secretary

Senior Principal


Senior Economic Adviser

13. Treasury and Civil Service
(a) (b) (c)
Cabinet Ministers Non-Cabinet Ministers Officials
1979–80 Number of witnesses 1 1 43
Number of appearances 4 2 71
1980–81 Number of witnesses 3 0 25
Number of appearances 3 0 36
1981–82 Number of witnesses 4 2 66
Number of appearances 7 2 101
1982–83 Number of witnesses 1 0 19
Number of appearances 3 0 30
Total Number of witnesses 9 3 153
Number of appearances 17 4 238

Ranks: Government Adviser

Permanent Secretary

Deputy Secretary

Under Secretary

Assistant Secretary

Head of Government

Accountancy Service

Senior Principal


Executive Officer


Higher Executive Officer

Executive Officer

14. Welsh
(a) (b) (c)
Cabinet Ministers Non-Cabinet Ministers Officials
1979–80 Number of witnesses 2 0 13
Number of appearances 3 0 27
1980–81 Number of witnesses 1 1 15
Number of appearances 1 1 25
1981–82 Number of witnesses 1 1 35
Number of appearances 2 1 46
1982–83 Number of witnesses 1 0 0
Number of appearances 1 0 0
Total Number of witnesses 5 2 63
Number of appearances 6 2 98

Ranks: Permanent Secretary

Deputy Secretary

Under Secretary

Assistant Secretary

Senior Principal


Economic Adviser

Senior ADAS Officer

Superintending Engineer

HMI Inspector

Chief Nursing Officer

Principal Social Work Service Officer

Superintending Planner

Superintending Estates Officer

Mr. George

asked the Lord Privy Seal which of the reports of the departmental Select Committees have been debated; when they were debated; what percentage of the total number of reports this represents; and which reports have been mentioned on the Order Paper as relevant to a debate.

Mr. Biffen

The following reports of departmental Select Committees have been the subject of specific motions debated in the HouseSecond report of the Home Affairs Committee, 1979–80, Race Relations and the "Sus" law (on 5 June 1980). Second report of the Social Services Committee, 1979–80 Perinatal and Neonatal Mortality (on 5 December 1980). Fourth report of the Social Services Committee, 1980–81, Medical Education (on 18 June 1982.

In addition, the First report of the Committee on Welsh Affairs of session 1979–80 on the role of the Welsh Office and associated bodies in developing employment opportunities in Wales was debated on a motion for the Adjournment of the House on 22 January 1981, the first report of the Committee on Energy of Session 1980–81 on the nuclear power programme was debated on a motion for the adjournment of the House on 1 February 1982; and the first report of the Agriculture Committee of session 1980–81 on animal welfare was debated on a Motion for the Adjournment of the House on 19 November 1982.

This represents 3 per cent. of reports made.

In addition to the above, the following reports have been referred to on the Order Paper as relevant to a debate: Reports by the Defence Committee on the statement on the defence estimates in sessions 1979–80 and 1980–81. First report, Foreign Affairs Committee, 1980–81, BNA Acts. Second report, Foreign Affairs Committee, 1980–81, BNA Acts, supplementary report. Fifth report, Foreign Affairs Committee, 1980–81, Mexico summit: The role of the British Government in the light of the Brandt report. First report, Foreign Affairs Committee, 1981–82, BNA Acts. Second report, Foreign Affairs Committee 1982–83, Turks and Caicos Islands, airport development on Providenciales. Second report of the Treasury and Civil Service Committee, 1979–80, the Budget and the Government's expenditure plans 1980–81 to 1983–84. Fifth report of the Treasury and Civil Service Committee, 1980–81, the 1981 Budget and the Government's expenditure plans 1981–82 to 1983–84. Fourth report of the Treasury and Civil Service Committee, 1981–82, the 1982 Budget. Fifth report of the Treasury and Civil Service Committee, 1981–82, the Government's expenditure plans 1982–83 to 1984–85. Third report of the Treasury and Civil Service Committee, 1982–83, the Government's expenditure plans 1983–84 to 1985–86. Fourth report of the Treasury and Civil Service Committee, 1982–83, international monetary arrangements; international lending by banks. Fifth report of the Treasury and Civil Service Committee, 1982–83, the 1983 Budget.

This represents 7 per cent. of reports made.

Mr. George

asked the Member answering for the House of Commons Commission how many specialist advisers have been appointed by each of the departmental Select Committees since their inception up to the dissolution of Parliament; what are their names; what are their occupations; if he will set out their terms and conditions of employment including the fees paid; and what is the total cost for each year for each Committee.

Mr. Beith

The following specialist advisers have assisted the departmental Select Committees in the last Parliament:

Agriculture Professor D. Britton, Mr. E. Neville-Rolfe, Professor C. Spedding, Professor John Ashton, Professor A. J. F. Webster (5).

Defence Brigadier K. Hunt, Rear-Admiral E. F. Gueritz, Air Vice-Marshal R. Harding, Professor L. Freedman, Mr. Henry James, Mr. C. Pincher, Mr. S. Jenkins, Mrs. V. Adams, Major General P. Kay (9).

Education, Science and Arts Mr. M. Lightfoot, Mr. J. Myerscough, Professor W. Brammer, Dr. J. Crichton Campbell, Mr. A. Travers, Mr. A. C. Morris, Mr. M. Shattock, Mr. S. Heaven, Dr. J. F. Harbinson, Dr. S. Worrall, Mr. P. Shea, Mr. J. Dawson, Professor Vickery, Mr. C. Rainbow, Dr. P. Andrews, Mr. P. Mann, Mr. A. Garrett, Mr. D. Dougan, Dr. C. Andrew, Professor R. Floud (20).

Employment Dr. K. Ewing, Mr. M. Hanson, Dr. C. Hanson, Professor B. Harvey, Mr. I. Hudson, Mr. H. Scholes, Mr. G. Warnock, Dr. P. M. McCormick, Mr. R. Lewis (9).

Energy Mr. J. Chesshire, Mr. J. Surrey, Professor W. Murgatroyd, Professor P. O'Sullivan, Mr. W. Orchard, Mr. A. Kemp, Mr. G. Manners, Mr. H. Gott, Professor D. Burn, Dr. N. Dombey (10).

Environment Mr. J. Stevenson, Mr. A. Murie, Mr. D. Webster, Mr. V. Watts, Mr. A. Bovaird, Mr.M. Harloe, Dr. C. Whitehead, Dr. K. Young, Mr. J. Rosenfeld (9).

Foreign Affairs Mr. D. Watt, Mrs. J. Statler, Mr. G. White, Dr. A. J. Payne, Dr. C. Clarke, Dr. D. Browning, Dr. W. Little, Sir Melvyn Rosser, Professor J. M. Hirst, Mr. N. Clark, Mrs. C. Geldart, Dr. K. Dawisha, Mrs. N. Crawshaw, Brigadier F. Henn, Dr. J. Finnis, Dr. G. Hills, Professor C. Elliott, Dr. P. Howell, Mr. A. Bottrell, Mr. J. Cathie, Mr. J. Mitchell, Dr. P. Mosley, Mr. J. Stephen, Dr. C. K. Colclough, Mr. G. Bridger, Professor E. Brown, Mr. R. Bristow, Mr. S. Jones, Mr. G. Hunter (29).

Home Affairs Dr. S. McConville, Dr. D. Williams, Mr. D. Smith (3).

Industry and Trade Mr. J. J. Boyd Barrett, Mr. T. A. J. Cockerill, Mr. G. Firth, Mr. J. M. Jamieson, Mr. D. G. Rhys, Mr. A. G. Thorne (6).

Scottish Affairs Mr. M. Maclennan, Mr. D. Heald, Ms. D. Dawson, Mr. J. M. Ross, Mr. J. B. More, Professor L. C. Hunter, Mr. A. McGregor, Professor D. I. Mackay, Mr G. A. Mackay, Professor T. Carbery, Mr. I. Falconer (11).

Social Services Professor E. O R. Reynolds, Professor R. Beard, Professor E. Albemnan, Professor R. Klein, Mr. M. O'Higgins, Mr. K. Shuttleworth, Professor T. Clark, Professor J. Parkhouse, Mr. N. Hendry, Dr. S. Engleman, Mr. M. Fogarty, Mr. H. Billing, Mr. D. Allen, Mrs. B. Kahan, Mrs. D. Rawstron (15).

Transport Mr. W. R. Shirrefs, Dr. S. Glaister, Mr. A. Bull, Professor A. D. May, Mr. Muir Wood, Professor K. Gwilliam, Mr. C. Brown (7).

Treasury and Civil Service Dr. P. G. Neild, Mr. T. S. Ward, Mr. P. A. Ormerod, Mr. D. Savage, Dr. P. W. Robinson, Mr. J. A. Likierman, Professor B. Tew, Professor J. Williamson, Dr. D. K. H. Begg, Professor W. H. Buiter, Mr. J. A. Kay, Professor A. B. Atkinson, Mrs. H. Parker, Dr. A. Budd, Professor H. Rose, Professor D. Hendry, Professor M. Miller, Mr. P. J. Butler, Mr. M. Stonefrost, Mr. B. Henry, Mr. C. Johnston, Professor M. Beesley, Mr. D. Heald, Mr. M. Marks, Mr. J. Redwood, Mr. W. Plowden, Mr. R. Matthews, Mr. N. Hepworth (28).

Welsh Affairs Mr. J. G. Lloyd, Professor R. Maeve, Mr. D. R. Thomas, Mr. W. D. Jones, Professor D. Morris, Mr. B. Moore, Mr. J. Rhodes, Mr. J. J. Boyd-Barnett, Mr. F. H. Wise, Professor R. E. Thomas (10).

It is not the practice to give personal details about the individuals concerned but the occupations, at the time of their appointment, of the advisers of each committee were:

Agriculture University Academic; consultant.

Defence Retired Service Officer, University Academic, journalist, former civil servant.

Education, Science and Arts University Academic, headmaster, businessman, Arts administrator, publisher, retired civil servant, retired education officer, retired education inspector, retired college principal.

Employment Administrator, University Academic; Management Consultant, former civil servant.

Energy University Academic; Businessman; Consultant.

Environment Economist, University Academic; Accountant, former civil servant.

Foreign Affairs International Affairs Consultant; University Academic; Author; Former service officer; Former Diplomat; Economic Consultant; Accountant; Administrator.

Home Affairs University Academic; Research

Committee 1979–80 Meetings 1980–81 Meetings 1981–82 Meetings 1982–83 Meetings*
evidence sessions deliberative sessions evidence sessions deliberative sessions evidence sessions deliberative sessions evidence sessions deliberative sessions
Agriculture 16 18 16 8 14 9 13 5
Defence 23 20 21 19 26 14 22 14
Education, Science and Arts 20 25 36 8 30 21 20 6
Employment 21 11 25 8 23 7 15 2
Energy 25 10 19 22 18 22 21 13
Environment 11 26 2 22 13 12 21 9
Foreign Affairs 22 12 14 24 20 16 15 12
Sub-Committee 15 12 12 18 10 24 13 10
Home Affairs 18 14 12 18 15 13 10 8
Sub-Committee 23 11 17 18 13 9 12 7
Industry and Trade 24 7 19 19 18 13 11 8
Scottish Affairs 18 18 18 15 15 13 16 5
Social Services 13 21 35 17 23 16 24 5
Transport 30 15 19 15 18 12 22 6
Treasury and Civil Service 23 22 12 27 22 12 16 18
Sub-Committee 10 11 7 7 19 6 2 12
Welsh Affairs 21 15 28 7 24 5 11 6

Industry and Trade Accountant; Consultant; University Academic.

Scottish Affairs University Academic, retired civil servant; university administrator, economic consultant.

Social Services Medical academic, Social Scientist, Social Worker, Former civil servant, Retired Orthopaedic surgeon, solicitor.

Transport Transport consultant, consultant civil engineer, university academic.

Treasury and Civil Service Economist, Accountant, Administrator, Academic businessman; retired civil servant, research analyst, local government officer.

Welsh Affairs University academic, accountant, engineering consultant; retired administrator.

Over the period the per diem fees have ranged from £15 to £70. The total cost of fees for specialist advisers for each Committee on a sessional basis is as follows:

Committee 1979–80 1980–81 1981–82 1982–83*
£ £ £ £
Agriculture 8,213 3,749 3,763 2,136
Defence 3,708 7,295 11,011 7,595
Education, Science and Arts 11,863 13,253 19,968 11,856
Employment 2,555 6,792 2,982 1,491
Energy 7,344 14,519 16,640 6,190
Environment 12,272 8,026 7,593 3,668
Foreign Affairs 11,295 19,832 21,720 14,034
Home Affairs 2,030 2,138
Industry and Trade 4,316 8,228 9,313 4,939
Scottish Affairs 3,133 3,778 4,807 3,798
Social Services 11,255 27,232 5,808 5,325
Transport 2,675 5,309 5,399 2,215
Treasury and Civil Service 10,334 11,864 11,883 16,666
Welsh Affairs 3,621 323 4,605 4,704
* The Accounts for 1982–83 are not yet complete.

Mr. George

asked the Lord Privy Seal if he will list the number of formal evidence sessions and deliberative sessions for each of the departmental Select Committees and their Sub-Committees for each Session since their inception.

Mr. Biffen

The information is as follows:

* These totals do not include visits made by Committees where no evidence was taken and no formal deliberations made.

Mr. George

asked the Lord Privy Seal if he will set out for each three-month period since March 1982 the number

March-May 1982 June-August 1982 September-November 1982
Committee Number of Meetings Pages of Evidence Pages of Reports Number of Meetings Pages of Evidence Pages of Reports Number of Meetings Pages of Evidence Pages of Reports
Agriculture 5 142 0 6 100 49 3 38 2
Defence 10 56 13 12 531 50 9 0 0
Education, Science and Arts 18 867 10 11 126 83 11 1,276 141
Employment 10 139 12 6 207 6 3 71 7
Energy 15 489 102 5 37 0 5 120 0
Environment 8 252 0 6 133 84 7 137 6
Foreign Affairs* 16 237 0 19 135 34 12 295 0
Home Affairs* 16 269 37 12 229 48 8 200 12
Industry and Trade 11 166 32 6 145 11 2 25 13
Scottish Affairs 9 204 0 6 283 50 8 26 12
Social Services 12 293 25 12 39 49 4 70 79
Transport 9 506 43 5 294 98 6 0 0
Treasury and Civil Service 18 1,063 140 14 75 3 12 22 23
Welsh Affairs 10 177 26 6 141 9 4 184 0

December 1982-February 1983 March to end of Parliament
Committee Number of Meetings Pages of Evidence Pages of Reports Number of Meetings Pages of Evidence Pages of Reports
Agriculture 9 150 0 6 250 43
Defence 18 518 57 14 379 90
Education, Science and Arts 14 340 6 7 501 191
Employment 9 279 0 7 147 2
Energy 21 561 32 9 339 51
Environment 15 449 5 10 332 40
Foreign Affairs* 18 496 112 20 77 42
Home Affairs* 18 438 0 12 427 70
Industry and Trade 10 161 37 9 192 37
Scottish Affairs 5 110 49 11 390 8
Social Services 15 423 12 11 385 †2
Transport 8 235 0 16 904 83
Treasury and Civil Service 25 664 59 14 1,037 286
Welsh Affairs 9 114 0 6 171 119
* Including sub-committee meetings.
† Special report.

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