HL Deb 25 July 1983 vol 443 c1415WA
Lord Strabolgi

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they intend to make an oral statement to the House about the theatre museum before the parliamentary recess.

The Earl of Gowrie

I think it unlikely that I shall be able within the next few days to make a substantive new statement on the theatre museum. As I explained in reply to the noble Lords Unstarred Question on 12th July. the Government remain committed to the project. The signing of an agreement to enter into a lease was postponed because the agreement stipulated a timetable for completion of the building works, financed by the Government, and funds to enable an immediate start could not be guaranteed in the light of the cash limit reductions for 1983–84. The Government are now re-examining urgently with the GLC the terms of the agreement. We are also exploring possible ways of securing an early building start without calling on Government funds in this financial year, including the possibility of contributions from private sources. As soon as there is further news I will write to the noble Lord.