HC Deb 13 July 1983 vol 45 c367W
Mr. Favell

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services on what criteria conditions are specified for automatic exemption from prescription charges.

Mr. John Patten

The list of medical conditions which confer exemption from prescription charges was drawn up in 1968 in consultation with the general medical services committee. The criterion for inclusion was that it should be a permanent and clearly identifiable condition requiring prolonged and continuous medication, usually substitution therapy.

Since the list was compiled, arguments have been advanced for the addition of various other conditions; taken in isolation, these are often persuasive. However, to include all such conditions would cost the National Health Service a great deal of money. We are not prepared, therefore, to extend the list.

Exemption from charges is not restricted to sufferers from listed medical conditions. Such groups as the elderly and those on low income are also exempt. Overall some 70 per cent. of prescription items are dispensed without charge.

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