HC Deb 13 July 1983 vol 45 c369W
Sir Bernard Braine

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what action he has taken following the recommendations of the report of the advisory council on the misuse of drugs, published in December 1982; and what new treatment services for drug dependants have been opened in each health authority area or are planned as a result of the extra funds he made available to health authorities, local authorities and voluntary bodies following the report's publication.

Mr. John Patten

The report was distributed to health and local authorities, voluntary and professional bodies for their comments, which are now being considered. A medical conference as held in January to look at the part doctors can play in responding to the problem of drug misuse. The sum of £2 million is being made available to health and local authorities and voluntary bodies in 1983–84, and a similar sum in each of the following two years, to enable services for people with drug-related problems to be improved. The first applications under this scheme, in response to guidelines issued in April, are receiving consideration.

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