§ Mr. Cockeramasked the Chancellor of the Exchequer (1) why it is necessary for the Exchequer and Audit Department to maintain an office and staff in Paris;
(2) why it is necessary for the Exchequer and Audit Department to maintain an office and staff in Rome;
(3) why it is necessary for the Exchequer and Audit Department to maintain an office and staff in Geneva.
§ Mr. RidleyThe Comptroller and Auditor General of the United Kingdom is the appointed external auditor of a number of United Nations agencies. These include:
(a) In Paris — United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation.
(b) In Rome — Food and Agriculture Organisation. (c) In Geneva — World Health Organisation International Labour Office Office of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade World Meteorological Organisation. The way in which the Comptroller and Auditor General carries out these responsibilities is a matter for his own managerial judgment.
The audit fees charged to the organisations cover the full cost, including overheads, of the staff concerned.