HC Deb 22 December 1983 vol 51 cc410-1W
Mr. Lambie

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will publish in the Official Report a table showing for public expenditure programme 15 an analysis of changes between Cmnd. 8789 and the autumn statement, in the

Changes to programme 15 (Scotland)
1984–85 Changes £ million>
Sub-Programme Cmnd. 8789 1983 Budget Classification Planned Secretary of State's statement of 12 December
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry 176 +10 186
Industry, Energy, Trade and Employment 166 -0 +3 -0 169
NON BLOCK 342 -0 +3 +10 355
Tourism 8 -0 +3 +0 11
Transport 552 -0 -59 -10 483
Housing 650 -1 +6 654
Other Environmental Services 647 -2 -88 -17 541
Law, Order and Protective Services 485 -1 +0 +5 489
Education 1,491 -4 +84 +44 1,615
Arts and Libraries 54 -0 —0 +5 59
Health and Social Work 2,166 -5 +5 2,166
Other Public Services 100 -0 +0 +2 102
Common Services 1 1
Local Authority Unallocated 80 -5 75
BLOCK 6,235 -14 -59 +35 6,195
Support to Nationalised Industries +348 -39 309
TOTAL Scotland Programme 6,577 -14 +292 +6 6,859

Notes: Individual figures may not sum to totals because of roundings.

Figures published in Cmnd. 8789 were rounded to nearest £10 million.