HC Deb 29 April 1983 vol 41 c445W
Mr. Austin Mitchell

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he will bring up to date the information given in his reply dated 16 November 1979 to a written question from the hon. Member for Grimsby concerning increases in gross national product in the United Kingdom and other countries, Official Report, 16 November, c. 811–812.

Mr. Brittan

The latest estimates of annual changes in gross domestic product at constant market prices on consistent international definitions in the period 1967 to 1981 for the United States of America, Japan, France, the German Federal Republic, Italy and the United Kingdom are given on page 34 of the Eurostat publication "National Accounts ESA—Aggregates 1960–1981." A copy of this publication is available in the Library.

For the years before 1960, the figures remain as given in the reply referred to. There have, however, been some revisions between 1960 and 1966 and the latest figures for this period are shown in the following table:

Gross domestic product at constant market prices
Percentage change on previous year
United States Japan France German Federal Republic Italy United Kingdom
1960 +2.1 +13.1 +7.2 +8.9 +6.3 +4.7
1961 +2.6 +14.6 +5.5 +5.2 +8.2 +3.3
1962 +5.5 +7.1 +6.7 +4.5 +6.2 +1.0
1963 +4.0 +10.5 +5.3 +3.2 +5.6 +3.9
1964 +5.3 +13.2 +6.5 +6.7 +2.8 +5.2
1965 +6.0 +5.1 +4.8 +5.5 +3.3 +2.3
1966 +5.8 +10.6 +5.2 +2.7 +6.0 +2.0

Figures of either gross domestic product or gross national product are also available for 1982, but these figures are based on national definitions and therefore are not entirely comparable with each other or with the figures given in the Eurostat publication. Changes based on these national figures are given in the following table:

Gross domestic product at constant market prices
Percentage change between 1981 and 1982
United States* -1.8
Japan* +2.5
France +1.5
German Federal Republic* -1.1
Italy +0.7
United Kingdom +1.4
* Gross national product at constant market prices.


United Kingdom—latest published data.

Other countries—OECD Main Economic Indicators, March 1983.

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