HC Deb 14 April 1983 vol 40 c441W
Miss Richardson

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will take steps to remove the anomally whereby carers lose invalid care allowance when their dependent has lost attendance allowance through aggregating more than 28 days respite care in a national Health Service establishment; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Rossi

I cannot agree that an anomaly exists as the hon. Member suggests. Entitlement to invalid care allowance is dependent upon the provision of care for someone receiving attendance allowance. Where the payment of attendance allowance is interrupted because the claimant is being cared for in a National Health Service establishment, the person receiving invalid care allowance is not providing care so it is only reasonable that the payment of invalid care allowance be interrupted, too. The 28-day rule is a concession to enable both allowances to continue for a short while, even though the care is being provided during that time at the NHS establishment. I have no proposals for altering the rules about the way in which the 28 days are calculated.