§ Mr. Pawseyasked the Secretary of State for Energy what liaison there is between Her Majesty's Government and Governments of other countries about research into wave power.
§ Mr. GrayThere is liaison with other Governments on research into wave power through the International Energy Agency. My Department has participated in a joint MA project with agencies in Japan, Ireland, Canada and the United States. Details are given in the 1980–81 annual report on IEA energy research, development and demonstration published by the OECD, Paris. I am placing a copy of this in the Library of the House.
§ Mr. Pawseyasked the Secretary of State for Energy if he will provide additional resources to Lanchester polytechnic for research into wave power
§ Mr. GrayMy Department is prepared to support further research work on wave energy at Lanchester (Coventry) polytechnic, subject to agreement on a specific programme of work and overall budgetary constraints.
§ Mr. Pawseyasked the Secretary of State for Energy, further to the reply of 11 March, Official Report, c. 520–21, to the hon. Member for Rugby on energy projects and European Community refunds, if he will give details of the proposed further support for research and development energy projects referred to; and whether any of these is concerned with the development of devices designed to produce energy from waves.
§ Mr. GraySupport of 107 million ecu (£64 million) in 1983 is in prospect for energy demonstration projects under new regulations for that year agreed by the Foreign Affairs Council on 14 March. It is expected that the new regulations will be published in the Official Journal of the European Communities around the end of April. On 28 March the Commission invited proposals for demonstration projects in energy saving; liquefaction and gasification of solid fuels; solar energy; biomass and 363W energy from waste; geothermal energy; wind energy; and substitution of hydrocarbons with solid fuels. On this occasion wave power was not included. Wave power is contained in the scope of the new regulations, and may be included in a later invitation. Extension of these regulations to 1984–87 will be considered by the Energy Council later this month.
The Community will also consider a further energy research and development programme, the detailed content of which is still under discussion.