§ Dr. Hampsonasked the Secretary of State for Transport what guidance he has given to the Greater London council and the metropolitan county councils about levels of revenue support for public transport in the year beginning 1 April 1983.
§ Mr. David HowellThe guidance which I have given to these authorities under the powers conferred on me by section 10(2) of the Transport Act 1983 is as follows. To the extent that revenue grants did not exceed these amounts they would receive protection under section 5(2) of the Act.
Authority Protected expenditure level £m (cash) Assumed provision for depreciation (taken into account in the protected expenditure level) £m (cash) Greater London 250.0 125.0 Greater Manchester 46.0 110 Merseyside 40.0 4.0 South Yorkshire 43.0 9.4 Tyne and Wear 18.5 5.5 West Midlands 29.0 9.4 West Yorkshire 44.0 12.0 In so far as the provision made for depreciation falls below that amount indicated in any case, my view as to the appropriate level of revenue grants would be reduced accordingly. These figures differ from the provisional figures in Cmnd. 8753 reflecting my consideration of representation and information from the authorities. In case of the GLC, I rejected totally its representations that the PEL should be increased to take account of the higher level of subsidy it
Interim secure facilities—Position as at October 1982* Region Units open Number of beds Places planned in addition 1. Northern Prudhoe (by 1985) 12 2. Yorkshire Storthes Hall 11 Broadgate 11 Stanley Royd 6 Fieldhead (by mid-1983) 8 18 High Royds 20 Stanley Royd (operational shortly) 37 Clifton Hospital 12 Broadgate 17 66 proposes for 1983–84 or to cover a 1982–83 deficit which the council was proposing to carry forward to 1983–84. I have, however, adjusted the figure provided for depreciation and renewals from £95 million to £125 million, and the total PEL accordingly, to reflect a change recommended by the London Transport Executive's auditors which will bring their treatment into line with the best modern accounting practice. The change does not involve any new money, but merely an accounting adjustment.
Increased PELs for Tyne and Wear and South Yorkshire similarly reflect increases in their proposed provision for depreciation.