HC Deb 11 May 1982 vol 23 c246W
Mr. Bidwell

asked the Secretary of State for Defence (1) whether it is the practice of Her Majesty's Government to publish the numbers of animals used for experiments at Porton Down chemical defence establishment;

(2) whether he will make it his policy to publish statistics on the number of animals used in laboratories in the United Kingdom which are his responsibility.

Mr. Pattie

Statistical returns on experiments on live animals conducted in MOD establishments are already made to the Home Office annually and are included in their subsequent animal statistical publication.

Mr. Bidwell

asked the Secretary of State for Defence what means of disposal are used for those animals at Porton Down chemical defence establishment which do not die as a result of experimentation.

Mr. Pattie

Depending on the type and circumstances of experiment, the animals are either kept at the chemical defence establishment or painlessly killed, in accordance with Home Office licence conditions.

Mr. Bidwell

asked the Secretary of State for Defence what experiments previously conducted on animals at the chemical defence establishment at Porton Down are now conducted by alternative means.

Mr. Pattie

Alternative means to experiment on live animals are now being used whenever possible. The main areas are in the development of therapeutic substances, and in occupational health studies. The alternative methods involved include the use of tissue cultures and computer-based mathematical models where appropriate.