HC Deb 10 March 1982 vol 19 c415W
Mr. Austin Mitchell

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, further to his reply dated 22 February, Official Report, column 308, to the hon. Member for Grimsby concerning output, input and income for United Kingdom agriculture, if he will publish in the Official Report (a) the number of workers hired, (b) the number of families and partners working full-time and part-time, (c) the proportion of total land rented, (d) the amount spent on new plant and machinery and on other investment, (e) the treatment of the owner-occupiers' residence and (f) the share of fanning income taken by bodies corporate for the same years as the previous answer.

Mr. Peter Walker

Much of the information requested under(a), (b), (c) and (d) is given in successive annual review of agriculture White Papers. These also include tables showing output, input and income. In compiling these, expenses attributable to the business use of farmers'

Average Hourly Earnings of Full-Time Regular Male Workers in Agriculture in 1980
1 2 3 4 5
Country National Currency* Pence: based on market exchange rates‡ Pence: based on purchasing power parities** Month of survey
Germany 10.63 DM 247 229 September
France 17.88 FF 174 167 October
Italy 3455 LIR 169 202 September
Netherlands 12.68 HFL 263 250 October
Belgium 167 BFR 234 224 October
Luxembourg 108 LFR 157 151 September
United Kingdom 1.75 UK£ 175 175 October
Irish Republic 1.65 IR£ 134 159 November
Denmark 34.07 DKR 249 223 October
* Source: Statistical Office of the European Communities—information to be published shortly.
† This series of earnings excludes the value of payments in kind and bonuses not paid regularly.
‡ Column 2 expressed in sterling at the exchange rates prevailing during the month of the survey.
** Reflects the relative purchasing power of the data in column 2 in the country concerned during the month of the survey.