HC Deb 03 March 1982 vol 19 cc140-1W
Mr. Alton

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will make a statement on the return to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics of Dr. Vladimir Marmalyou, who arrived on the "Nizhnevartoesk" at Liverpool East Canada dock at 4 am on 9 February; and if he will outline the circumstances in which he left the United Kingdom on 17 February.

Mr. Raison

Dr. Marmalyov arrived in Liverpool on 7 February as the ship's doctor of the m. v. "Nizhnevartovsk". On 9 February he asked for asylum in the United Kingdom and after interview by an immigration officer, he was given leave to enter for a period of six months. The British Refugee Council agreed to look after Dr. Marmalyov, and it arranged accommodation and also provided an interpreter and counselling. On 16 February Dr. Marmalyov asked a British Refugee Council official for directions to the Soviet consulate in London and these were given to him.

On 17 February Dr. Marmalyov presented himself to an immigration officer at Heathrow for embarkation on the Aeroflot flight to Moscow. He spoke to the immigration officer and there were no indications that he was not returning to the Soviet Union of his own free will.