HC Deb 30 June 1982 vol 26 cc318-22W
Mr. Austin Mitchell

asked the Secretary of State for Wales whether he will publish in the Official Report information for Wales on the same basis as table 3 of the annual review White Paper, Cmnd. 8491.

Mr. Wyn Roberts

The information is as follows:

June 1976 June 1981
Per cent. of total sugar beet area on holdings with 20 hectares and over of sugar beet 51.9 49.3
Dairy cows Number of holdings ('000) with 1 to 29 6.8 3.8
30 to 59 3.2 2.9
60 and over 1.3 1.9
Total 11.3 8.6
Average size of herd 30.5 41.4
Per cent. of total dairy cows in herds of 60 and over 34.1% 49.0%
Beef cows Number of holdings ('000) with 1 to 19 10.7 8.9
20 to 49 3.0 2.7
50 and over 0.6 0.5
Total 14.3 12.1
Average size of herd 14.4 15.0
Per cent. of total beef cows in herds of 50 and over 20.4% 21.5%
Breeding sheep Number of holdings ('000) with 1 to 99 7.0 6.1
100 to 499 7.3 7.4
500 and over 1.7 2.2
Total 16.1 15.8
Average size of flock 216.3 252.6
Per cent. of total breeding sheep in flocks of 500 and over 42.2% 48.2%
Breeding pigs Number of holdings ('000) with 1 to 19 2.7 1.5
20 to 49 0.1 0.1
50 and over 0.1 0.1
Total 2.9 1.7
Average size of herd 7.3 9.4
Per cent. of total breeding pigs in herds of 50 and over 29.1% 44.7%
Fattening pigs Number of holdings ('000) with 1 to 199 1.9 1.1
200 to 999 0.1 0.1
1,000 and over
Total 2.0 1.2
Average size of herd 44.0 61.1
Per cent. of total fattening pigs in herds of 1,000 and over 19.2% 24.5%
Laying fowls Number of holdings ('000) with 1 to 4,999 10.1 7.4
5,000 to 19,999 0.1
20,000 and over
Total 10.2 7.4
Average size of flock 180.6 268.2
Percent. of total laying flocks of 20,000 and over 44.4% 62.1%
Broilers Number of holdings ('000) with 1 to 9,999 0.1 0.1
10,000 to 99,999
100,000 and over
Total 0.1 0.1
Average size of flock 37,560 46,395
Per cent. of total broilers in flocks of 100,000 and over 83.5% 74.8%
* The figures in this table do not include minor (statistically insignificant) holdings.
†The average size of holdings based on total area (excluding common rough grazing) per holding is
1976 46.1 hectares, of which 70.4 per cent. was under crops and grass
1981 50.9 hectares, of which 73.2 per cent. was under crops and grass.
‡ These figures include holdings with no crops and grass which are excluded from the first section in the table.
≑ Data for 1981 are provisional.
—=Less than half the final digit shown.

Note: Owing to rounding, figures may not sum to totals shown.

Mr. Austin Mitchell

asked the Secretary of State for Wales whether he will publish in the Official Report information for Wales corresponding to table 21 of the annual review White Paper, Cmnd. 8491.

Mr. Wyn Roberts

This information is not available.

Mr. Austin Mitchell

asked the Secretary of State for Wales whether he will publish in the Official Report information for Wales corresponding to table 13 of the annual review White Paper, Cmnd. 8491.

Mr. Wyn Roberts

The information is not available.

Crop areas and livestock numbers*
At June each year
Average of 1970–72 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981
(A) Total area ('000 hectares) of which: 1,680 1,682 1,695 1,698 1,693 1,686
Wheat 7 5 6 7 7 8
Barley 47 59 59 59 59 57
Oats 19 11 9 7 7 6
Mixed corn 10 3 2 2 1 1
Total cereals† 84 78 76 75 74 72
Potatoes 7 7 7 6 6 6
Sugar beet
Oilseed rape
Vegetables grown in the open 1 1 1 1 1 1
Orchard fruit
soft fruit‡
Total horticulture¶ 2 2 2 2 2 2
Total tillage● 114 109 108 107 103 100
All grasses under five years old▀ ⋆ 182 170 163 153 164 167
Total arable 297 279 271 260 267 267
All grasses five years old and over# 741 776 793 837 843 835
Rough grazing:
Sole right 441 406 407 375 357 360
Common (estimated) 181 181 181 181 181 181
Other land 20 40 43 46 44 43
(B) Livestock numbers ('000 head)
Total cattle and calves of which: 1,380 1,428 1,414 1,420 1,408 1,414
Dairy cows 359 351 354 359 352 356
Beef cows 180 202 194 194 189 185
Heifers in calf 82 74 80 81 80 85
Total sheep and lambs of which: 6,109 7,109 7,633 7,571 8,014 8,202
Ewes 2,509 2,872 2,980 3,029 3,161 3,257
Shearlings 607 681 726 766 738 759
Total pigs of which: 241 146 135 140 135 131
Sows in pig and other sows for breeding 30 16 14 15 14 14
Gilts in pig 5 2 2 3 2 2
Total poultry of which: 5,700 7,372 7,256 7,162 7,672 7,483
Table fowls (including broilers) 2,174 4,103 3,874 3,909 4,424 4,183
Laying fowls 2,177 1,971 2,135 2,115 2,049 2,027
Growing pullets 959 931 847 722 732 824
* Figures for 1978 to 1981 relate to all known agricultural holdings, including minor (statistically insignificant) holdings.
† Cereals for threshing, excluding maize.
‡ Includes small area of soft fruit grown under orchard trees.
≑ Hardy nursery stock, bulbs and flowers.
¶ Includes glasshouse area.
● Includes area of other crops and bare fallow not shown in the table.
▀ Includes lucerne.
⋆ Before 1975, collected as "clover, sainfoin and temporary grasses".
# Before 1975, collected as "permanent grass".
— = Less than half the final digit shown.

Note: Owing to rounding, figures may not sum to totals shown.

Mr. Austin Mitchell

asked the Secretary of State for Wales whether he will publish in the Official Report information for Wales on the same basis as table 2 of the annual review White Paper, Cmnd. 8491.

Mr. Wyn Roberts

The information is as follows: