HC Deb 14 June 1982 vol 25 cc211-2W
Mr. Teddy Taylor

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he will publish a table showing, in respect of the most recent date for which figures are available, the subsidies that exporters can claim for exporting food and wine to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; and if he will express these figures in pounds per tonne for wheat, barley, flour and malt, pence per pound for beef, poultry, meat and sugar, and pence per litre for wine.

Mr. Buchanan-Smith

The information requested is provided in the following table:

CCTCode* United Kingdom net export refund
Wheat 1001 BI 49 £/tonne†
Barley 1003 15 £/tonne‡
Wheat flour 1101A 55 £/tonne
Malt 1107A IIb 57 £/tonne
Beef║ Not available
Poultrymeat (70 per cent. chickens) 0202Alb 5p per lb
Sugar (white) 1701AIb 8p per lb
Wine 2205cI 8p per litre
Amounts in ECU on 31 May converted to sterling at the representative rate of 1.61641 ECU/£ and adjusted by the monetary coefficient and MCA.
* Refunds vary appreciably according to precise specification of the commodities concerned. The figures shown are for specific categories but some trade may be in other categories.
† Maximum refund accepted under tender system on 3 June 1982.
‡General refund—no refunds were accepted under the tendering arrangements.
║ Export refunds vary greatly according to the category of animal type of meat etc. It is not possible to give representative figures.

Mr. Teddy Taylor

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, pursuant to his reply of 8 June, when he expects to receive from the EEC the details of the amounts of subsidised food and wine which were exported to the Soviet Union in the year 1981.

Mr. Buchanan-Smith

Figures for the United Kingdom are not likely to be available before the end of the year. I expect to receive figures for other European Community countries within the next month or so. In both cases the figures will be for total exports to the Soviet Union of the items concerned since it is not possible to distinguish readily subsidised exports.