HC Deb 11 June 1982 vol 25 cc168-9W
Mr. John Grant

asked the Prime Minister when an inquiry will be established into the events leading up to the Falkland Islands conflict.

The Prime Minister

I told the House on 8 April that we would consult on the form of a review or inquiry. I hope to do so shortly.

Mr. John Grant

asked the Prime Minister if she will ensure that the inquiry into events leading up to the Falkland Islands conflict will be held in public, except when dealing with security matters which the inquiry decides require a private session; and if she will ensure that such an inquiry's membership is not confined to members of the Privy Council.

The Prime Minister

In the course of the consultations which I promised on 8 April in reply to the right hon. Member for Plymouth, Devonport (Dr. Owen), I shall bear in mind the hon. Gentleman's suggestions.

Mr. George Robertson

asked the Prime Minister if she will arrange for the return of the bodies of British soldiers killed in the Falkland Islands for burial in the United Kingdom.

The Prime Minister

It is a traditional and well understood practice, and one which provides equal treatment for all, that Service men who are killed in action on land abroad are buried in the first instance quickly and with all possible reverence close to where they fall. Once hostilities are over they are transferred to a permanent cemetery near to the scene of action. It has been the custom to offer the next of kin the opportunity to visit the site at public expense. Those who die at sea are buried at sea.

The Government believe this practice should apply to those who die in the Falklands, but we recognise that this is an extremely sensitive question and we would not wish to make a final decision until all relevant factors, including the views of next of kin, have been taken into account.

Mr. John Grant

asked the Prime Minister if she will set up an independent inquiry into the handling of the Falkland Islands conflict by the Ministry of Defence information services and by other Government information services; and if she is satisfied with the co-ordination of information effort.

The Prime Minister

I do not propose to ask for an independent inquiry into the way in which the Ministry of Defence and other Government information services have dealt with the Falkland Islands conflict. In all the circumstances, I am satisfied that information has been handled properly by the Departments concerned and that the existing arrangements for co-ordination are adequate. I note, however, that the House of Commons Defence Committee intends to inquire into the handling of public and press information.

Mr. Proctor

asked the Prime Minister whether, in the light of the Falkland Islands conflict and British interests in Antarctica and elsewhere, she will seek to convene a conference of friendly nations with a view to establishing a southern hemisphere defence alliance for the protection of mutual interests; and if she will make a statement.

The Prime Minister

Our first priority must be to repossess the Falkland Islands, to restore British administration, and to rehabilitate the Falkland Islanders. The main threat to our security comes in the North Atlantic. The bulk of our defence effort must therefore be concentrated there. We are, however, assessing the defence implications of recent events, and it would be premature to think of convening such a conference.

Mr. Proctor

asked the Prime Minister if she will pay an official visit, as soon as practicable, to the Falkland Islands.

The Prime Minister

I shall give this my early consideration after British administration has been restored.

Mr. Foulkes

asked the Prime Minister whether she remains satisfied that the cost of the Falklands operation will be met from the Contingency Reserve.

The Prime Minister

The extra costs of the Falklands operation, when known, will be financed in ways consistent with the Government's economic strategy. In this respect, one of the options would be recourse to the Contingency Reserve.

Mr. Dalyell

asked the Prime Minister when she expects to reply to the letter of the hon. Member for West Lothian relating to General Vernon Walters' statements of policy on creating an American—Argentinian base on the Falklands; and if she will make a statement.

The Prime Minister

I expect to reply to the hon. Member's letter shortly.

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