HC Deb 27 July 1982 vol 28 c483W
Mr. Ronald W. Brown

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what studies have been undertaken to ascertain the cost to the National Health Service of treating diseases caused by lead pollution.

Mr. Kenneth Clarke

I am not aware of any such studies. The number of people treated for acute lead poisoning is, however, very small.

Total Unemployment Claimants Unemployment Benefit Only Unemployment Benefit and Supplementary Allowances Supplementary Allowances Only No Benefit*
Numbers 297,700 94,600 22,700 144,900 35,500
Per Cent. 100 31.8 7.6 48.7 11.9
Dundee area
Numbers 14,900 4,400 1,000 7,700 1,800
Per Cent. 100 29.5 6.7 51.7 12.1
* Includes 11,800 people in Scotland and 500 in the Dundee area whose claims to benefit had not yet been determined on the day of the count.
† Figures for Scotland appear in the Quarterly Analysis of Unemployed Claimants; successive analyses are placed in the Library of the House as they become available each quarter.
‡ Area covered by the Dundee unemployment benefit offices, including the associated office in Forfar.