HC Deb 07 July 1982 vol 27 cc131-2W
Mr. Hooley

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will list in the Official Report the percentage contribution to the United Nations regular budget of each of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries in the most recent two-year budgeting period, with an approximation in £ sterling of the cost value of each contribution.

Mr. Rifkind

The following are the figures requested:

OECD Members Percentage contribution to UN regular budget for 1980–81 Approximate sterling equivalent
Australia 1.83 9,033,618
Austria 0.71 3,504,846
Belgium 1.22 6,022,412
Canada 3.28 16,191,403
Denmark 0.74 3,652,938
Finland 0.48 2,369,473
France 6.26 30,901,886
FRG 8.31 41,021,513
Greece 0.35 1,727,741
Iceland 0.03 148,092
Ireland 0.16 789,824
Italy 3.45 17,030,592
Japan 9.58 47,290,744
Luxembourg 0.05 246,820
Netherlands 1.63 8,046,337
New Zealand 0.27 1,332,828
Norway 0.50 2,468,202
Portugal 0.19 937,917
Spain 1.70 8,391,886
Sweden 1.31 6,466,688
Turkey 0.30 1,480,921
United Kingdom 4.46 21,665,856
United States 25.00 123,410,080

Switzerland, though not a Member of the United Nations, pays 1.05 per cent. of the cost of certain activities in which she participates, while Yugoslavia, which has a special status in the OECD, pays 0.42 per cent.—£2,073,289—of the United Nations budget.