HC Deb 29 January 1982 vol 16 c449W
Mr. Field

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what is the greatest length of time for which cases before the social security commissioners presently awaiting submission from the supplementary benefit officer have been awaiting such a submission.

Mrs. Chalker

The greatest length of time for a case awaiting submission to the Social Security Commissioner from the supplementary benefit officer is seven months. However, with effect from 15 February 1982, an amendment to the supplementary benefit and family income supplement appeals rules will require observations on an appeal to the commissioner by any party to the proceedings before the tribunal to be made within 28 days or within such further time as the commissioner may for special reasons allow.

Mr. Field

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services, of those cases before the social security commissioner, presently awaiting a submission from the insurance officer, what is the length of time which the longest has been waiting for a submission.

Mrs. Chalker

The greatest length of time for a case awaiting submission to the social security commissioner from the insurance officer is 14 months. The preparation of a submission has been subject to delays outside the control of the insurance officer.

Mr. Field

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services how many staff are engaged in preparing submissions on behalf of the insurance officer to the social security commissioners; and how many cases are awaiting such submissions compared with the position five years ago.

Mrs. Chalker

Fifteen staff are currently employed as insurance officers preparing submissions to the social security commissioners. Not all are employed on these duties full-time. At the end of 1976 there were 532 appeals to the commissioner awaiting the preparation of a submission; at the end of last year the number was 380.

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