§ Mr. Foulkesasked the Secretary of State for Scotland what percentage of patients in Scottish mental hospitals were detained compulsorily in each of the past 10 years.
§ Mr. John MacKayThe percentage of patients admitted to Scottish mental hospitals in each year since 1970 who were initially admitted under compulsory powers was as follows:
Mental Illness Hospital and Psychiatric Units Per cent. Mental Handicap Hospitals per cent. 1970 10.2 7.4 1971 10.0 7.2 1972 9.3 7.5 1973 9.5 6.5 1974 9.4 5.9 1975 9.3 6.4 1976 9.7 4.4 1977 9.7 5.1 1978 9.7 5.6 1979 9.4 3.0 1980* 9.5 2.5 * Provisional Data. Source: Scottish Mental Health In-Patient Statistics MHSA 2/083. In Mental Handicap Hospitals, uneven incidence of holiday admissions tends to distort the figures.
§ Mr. Foulkesasked the Secretary of State for Scotland what special provision exists in each of the Scottish region and island authorities for care of mentally ill people within the community or as a transition between hospital care and return to the normal home environment.
§ Mr. John MacKayThe following table gives the level of residential accommodation for the mentally ill provided by regional and islands councils in Scotland; some homes are also provided by voluntary organisations:
Residential Accommodation at 31 March 1981 Regional and Islands Councils No. of Homes Bed Complement Borders 8 30 Central 5 24 Dumfries and Galloway — — Fife 10 59 Grampian 10 50 Highland 2 8
Residential Accommodation at 31 March 1981 Regional and Islands Councils No. of Homes Bed Complement Lothian 7 73 Strathclyde 16 75 Tayside 15 94 Orkney — — Shetland — — Western Isles 1 5 Sub-total 74 418 Voluntary Organisations 3 48 Total 77 466 Facilities for accommodating former psychiatric patients are increasingly being provided by local authorities and by housing associations. Some day centres are also provided by local authorities. In addition to the pre-discharge halfway houses attached to mental illness hospitals, health boards provide further support through day hospitals and community psychiatric clinics.
§ Mr. Foulkesasked the Secretary of State for Scotland how many deaths of patients detained in mental hospitals have occurred in each of the last 10 years; and how many have been recorded as suicides.
§ Mr. John MacKayThe number of detained patients who died in mental hospitals in each year since 1970 was as follows:
Year Number 1970 47 1971 50 1972 36 1973 21 1974 27 1975 15 1976 28 1977 6 1978 22 1979 22 *1980 30 * Provisional data. Source: Scottish Mental Health In-Patient Statistics MHSA 2/084.
Information about the number of suicides within these figures is not available centrally.