§ Mr. Wheelerasked the Secretary of State for Trade if he will list the top 10 countries for United Kingdom exports and trade success together with the value of the business; and how much trade is to EEC member countries.
§ Mr. Parkinson[pursuant to his reply, 6 March 1981, c. 213–14]: The revised information is as follows: 145W
United Kingdom's top 10 export markets in 1980 Country 1980 value £ billion Federal Republic of Germany 5.1 United States of America 4.5 Netherlands 3.8 France 3.6 Irish Republic 2.6 Belgium/Luxembourg 2.3 Switzerland 2.0 Italy 1.9 Sweden 1.6 Nigeria 1.2 The value of United Kingdom exports to the European Community—including Greece —in 1980 amounted to£20.5 billion.
Source: Overseas Trade Statistics of the United Kingdom (1981 classification basis).
§ Mr. Marlowasked the Secretary of State for Trade if he will list separately the United Kingdom's top 20 export and import markets, both including and excluding trade in oil and precious metals or stones, both in absolute and percentage terms, for each of the last years.
§ Mr. Parkinson[pursuant to his reply, 12 March 1981,c. 381]: Provision of the full information would require a great deal of data extraction and compilation which could be undertaken only at disproportionate cost. Such information as is readily available for 1980 is given in the following tables:
United Kingdom imports in 1980: top 20 suppliers £ million O.T.S. basis Value Percentage of total imports 1. United States of America 6,034 12.1 2. Federal Republic of Germany 5,666 11.4 3. France 3,851 7.7 4. Netherlands 3,407 6.8 5. Belgium/Luxembourg 2,384 4.8 6. Italy 2,304 4.6 7. Switzerland 1,897 3.8 8. Saudi Arabia 1,887 3.8 9. Irish Republic 1,773 3.6 10. Japan 1,709 3.4 11. Sweden 1,472 3.0 12. Norway 1,441 2.9 13. Canada 1,425 2.9 14. Denmark 1,102 2.2 15. Hong Kong 850 1.7 16. Spain 795 1.6 17. Finland 793 1.6 18. South Africa 752 1.5 19. Kuwait 648 1.3 20. Singapore 536 1.1 Total imports 49,886 — Source: Overseas Trade Statistics of the United Kingdom (1981 classification basis).
United Kingdom exports in 1980: top 20 markets £ million O.T.S. basis Value Percentage of total exports 1. Federal Republic of Germany 5,071 10.7 2. United States of America 4,535 9.6 3. Netherlands 3,843 8.1 4. France 3,586 7.6 5. Irish Republic 2,586 5.6 6. Belgium/Luxembourg 2,259 4.8 7. Switzerland 1,953 4.1
Value Percentage of total exports 8. Italy 1,896 4.0 9. Sweden 1,618 3.4 10. Nigeria 1,195 2.5 11. Denmark 1,030 2.2 12. South Africa 998 2.1 13. Saudi Arabia 946 2.0 14. Australia 815 1.7 15. Norway 792 1.7 16. Canada 751 1.6 17. Spain 702 1.5 18. Japan 596 1.3 19. Hong Kong 559 1.2 20. India 529 1.1 Total exports 47,339 — Source: Overseas Trade Statistics of the United Kingdom (1981 classification basis).
United Kingdom imports excluding oil*, precious stones† and precious metals‡ in 1980: top 20 suppliers £ million O.T.S. basis Value Percentage of total║ 1. United States of America 5,617 13.8 2. Federal Republic of Germany 5,350 13.2 3. France 3.454 8.5 4. Netherlands 2,593 6.4 5. Italy 2,049 5.0 6. Belgium/Luxembourg 1,783 4.4 7. Irish Republic 1,735 4.3 8. Japan 1,650 4.1 9. Canada 1,415 3.5 10. Sweden 1,403 3.5 11. Norway 1,099 2.7 12. Denmark 1,060 2.6 13. Hong Kong 820 2.0 14. Switzerland 780 1.9 15. Finland 770 1.9 16. Spain 697 1.7 17. South Africa 639 1.6 18. Singapore 528 1.3 19. Australia 474 1.2 20. New Zealand 415 1.0 Total║ 40,643 — * SITC Division 33. † SITC Division 66. ‡SITC Group 681. ║ Excluding oil, precious stones and precious metals. Source: Overseas Trade Statistics of the United Kingdom (1981 classification basis).
United Kingdom exports excluding oil*, precious stones† and precious metals‡in 1980: top 20 markets £ million O.T.S. basis Value Percentage of total║ 1. Federal Republic of Germany 3,690 9.7 2. United States of America 3,235 8.5 3. France 3,012 7.9 4. Netherlands 2,489 6.5 5. Irish Republic 2,198 5.8 6. Belgium/Luxembourg 1,751 4.6 7. Italy 1,714 4.5 8. Nigeria 1,146 3.0 9. Sweden 1,082 2.8 10. South Africa 965 2.5 11. Switzerland 872 2.3 12. Saudi Arabia 743 2.2 13. Australia 787 2.1 14. Spain 673 1.8 15. Canada 666 1.7
Value Percentage of total║ 16. Denmark 615 1.6 17. Norway 578 1.5 18. Japan 551 1.4 19. Hong Kong 530 1.4 20. Soviet Union 452 1.2 Total║ 38,194 — * SITC Division 33. † SITC Division 66. ‡ SITC Group 681. ║ Excluding oil, precious stones and precious metals. Source: Overseas Trade Statistics of the United Kingdom (1981 classification basis).