HC Deb 24 February 1981 vol 999 c341W
Dr. Roger Thomas

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what would be the additional cost to the Health Service if all general hospital doctors were given six weeks annual leave instead of the present customary four weeks.

Dr. Vaughan

At present, only house officers receive four weeks of annual leave: senior house officers, registrars and newly appointed medical assistants are entitled to five weeks and all other hospital doctors to six weeks. The salary cost of employing locums to maintain the present level of cover if the junior grades were given

Cause of death Sex 1975 1976 1977 1978 *1979
Malignant neoplasms Males 61,806 63,367 63,234 63,938 64,349
Females 53,358 54,792 54,531 55,190 56,112
Heart disease Males 94,369 94,798 93,607 96,458 96,996
Females 80,716 82,367 79,859 81,453 82,537
Diabetes mellitus Males 1,908 1,931 1,871 1,889 1,847
Females 2,896 2,821 2,699 2,714 2,617
*In 1979 a revision of the international classification of diseases (ICD) was introduced and figures for that year may not be strictly comparable with the other years.

ICD codes used are as follows:

ICD 8th Rev 1975–78 ICD 9th Rev 1979
Malignant neoplasms 140–209 140–208
393–398 393–398
Heart disease 410–414 410–414
420–429 416,420–429
Diabetes 250 250