§ Mr. Richard Wainwrightasked the Secretary of State for Transport if he will publish in the Official Report a table showing, for the latest date available, the cost to passengers of a one-mile, two-mile, three-mile, four-mile, and five-mile bus journey, respectively, in each of the areas served by metropolitan passenger transport authorities.
§ Mr. Kenneth ClarkeThe following table is based upon information processed by traffic area offices.
Passenger transport authorities: bus fare scales as at 28 January 1981 PTA 1 mile 2 miles 3 miles 4 miles 5 miles Tyne and Wear l1p 19p 22p 25p 25p West Yorkshire 18p 30p 36p 44p 50p South Yorkshire 3p 6p 8p 9p 10p Greater Manchester 20p 30p 30p 40p 50p Merseyside off peak 10p peak 12p 20p 30p 40p 40p West Midlands 15p 22p 25p 30p 35p Strathclyde 20p 30p 35p 40p 40p Note: Nearest equivalents shown where exact distances do not exist.
§ Mr. Richard Wainwrightasked the Secretary of State for Transport if he will publish in the Official Report a table showing the numbers of bus users in each area served by a metropolitan passenger transport authority during 1977, 1978, 1979 and 1980.
§ Mr. Kenneth ClarkeThe precise figures are not available. However, figures for passengers carried by the passenger transport executives are available in the Municipal Year Books for financial years up to 1978–79. These are:
Bus Passengers Carried (Million) 1976–77 1977–78 1978–79 Greater Manchester 462 442 425 Merseyside 269 250 242 South Yorkshire 253 242 251 Tyne and Wear 133 138 139 West Midlands 555 551 529 West Yorkshire 259 253 216 Greater Glasgow 218 200 179 The Municipal Year Book 1982 giving figures for the year 1979–80 is to be published around December 1981.