HC Deb 21 December 1981 vol 15 cc274-5W
Mr. Austin Mitchell

asked the Secretary of State for Trade (1) what is the European Economic Community tariff on imports of machine-made synthetic fibre carpets; whether and to what extent this is expected to be reduced under international agreements; how it compares with the level of the United Kingdom tariff before United Kingdom entry into the Common Market; and whether he will publish in the Official Report a table showing the square yardage and value of imports and exports of such carpets between the United Kingdom and the European Economic Community and between the United Kingdom and non-European Economic Community countries since 1970 and for September 1981, grossed up at an annual rate

(2) what is the European Economic Community tariff on machine-made wool carpets; whether and to what extent this is expected to be reduced under international agreements; how it compares with the level of the United Kingdom tariff before United Kingdom entry into the Common Market; and whether he will publish in the Official Report a table showing the square yardage and value of imports and exports of such carpets between the United Kingdom and the European Economic Community, and between the United Kingdom and non-European Economic Community countries since 1970 and for September 1981, grossed up at an annual rate.

Mr. Sproat

The tariff information relating to wool carpets and synthetic fibre carpets is as follows:

Common customs tariff rates
Description Present Future* United Kingdom rates before accession to the European Community†
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Carpets, carpeting and rugs, knotted:
Of wool 24 per cent, subject to a maximum of 4 EUA per m 2 9.6 per cent, subject to a maximum of 2.8 EUA per m 2 £0.0500 per sq. yd. exclusive of fringes or 17.5 per cent, w.i.g.
Of synthetic textile fibres 20 per cent. 8.9 per cent. £0.0500 per sq. yd. exclusive of fringes or 30 per cent, w.i.g.
Other carpets, carpeting, rugs, mats and matting: Tuffed carpets, carpeting and rugs 23 per cent. 14 per cent. Duty charged according to content of silk and/or man-made fibres (see below)
Other (excluding coir mats and matting) 20 per cent. 8.9 per cent.cent.
Containing more than 20 per cent, by weight of silk, of man-made fibres, or of both together £0.0500 per sq. yd. exclusive of fringes or 30 per cent, w.i.g.
Containing more than 5 per cent, by weight of silk, of man-made fibres, or of both together £0.0500 per sq. yd. exclusive of fringes or 25 per cent, w.i.g.
Other £0.0500 per sq. yd. exclusive of fringes or 17.5 per cent, w.i.g.
* Under the Tokyo round of GATT multilateral trade negotiations the duties are due to be reduced in annual stages to the levels shown at 1 January 1987.
†Rates in force at 1 January 1972.
w.i.g = whichever is the greater

The information about trade in these products is not readily available and could be provided only at disproportionate cost.

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