HC Deb 18 December 1981 vol 15 cc247-8W
Mr. Christopher Price

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science if he will set out in the Official Report the membership of the expenditure steering group (education) of the local authorities consultative council, the number of times it has met in 1981 and the subjects it has discussed.

Sir Keith Joseph

The current membership of the expenditure steering group for education services—ESGE—is as follows:

Department of Education and Science

  • Mr. E. H. Simpson (Chairman)
  • Mr. R. H. Bird
  • Miss S. J. Browne
  • Mr. W. O. Ulrich
  • Mr. J. R. Jameson
  • Mr. D. G. Libby
  • Mr. D. M. Forrester

Department of Employment (For items in connection with the careers service)

  • Mr. G. Kahan
  • Mr. A. G. Johnson
  • Mr. M. C. Cahill

Her Majesty's Treasury

Miss J. Kelley (Observer)

Welsh Office Education Department

Mr. D. M. Timlin (Observer)

Association of County Councils

  • Mr. P. J. Coles, Under Secretary, (Education)
  • Mr. I. G. Cunningham, Education Officer
  • Mr. R. P. Harding, Chief Education Officer, Buckinghamshire
  • Mr. C. C. Jasper, County Treasurer, Hertfordshire
  • Mr. A. P. Peel, County Treasurer's Department, West Sussex (Observer)
  • Mr. G. A. Price County Treasurer, Hampshire
  • Mr. R. D. Price, Chief Education Officer, Dorset
  • Mr. H. Radford, County Librarian, Dorset
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  • Mr. J. R. G. Tomlinson, Director of Education, Cheshire
  • Mr. T. B. Whiffen, Principal Technical Assistant, Treasurer's Department, Hampshire

Association of Metropolitan Authorities

  • Mr. J. M. Crawford, Chief Education Officer, Birmingham
  • Mr. R. J. Hartles, Chief Education Officer, Ealing
  • Mr. R. G. Morris Under Secretary (Education)
  • Mr. A. G. Redmond, Deputy Director of Finance, Wigan
  • Mr. B. Scholas, Chief Executive, Bolton
  • Mr. T. Simpson, Director of Finance, Stockport
  • Mr. J. A. Springett, Education Officer
  • Mr. W. H. Stubbs, Director of Education (Schools) ILEA
  • Mr. P. A. Wright, Financial Controller and Auditor, Royal Borough of Kingston-Upon-Thames

London Boroughs' Association

Mr. D. E. Eacott, Borough Treasurer, Haringey

The expenditure steering group met eight times in 1981. As in previous years, the steering group has considered the Government's plans for local authority expenditure, advised on their implications for the education service and has made a report to the consultative council on local government finance. During 1981 it has discussed: the effects on the education service of local authority expenditure policies in 1980–81; the Government's plans for expenditure on education in the years 1981–82 to 1983–84 as set out in the public expenditure White Paper, Cmnd. 8175; and revised expenditure forecasts taking account of the 1980–82 outturn of expenditure on education and revised projections of pupil and students numbers and, most recently, of the Government's revised expenditure proposals for 1982–83.

Subjects discussed have included the implications of the Government's expenditure plans for advanced further education; managing the contraction of the teacher force; the deployment of the additional provision allowed for the education of 16 to 19-year-olds; and the role of the education service in inner cities.