§ Dr. Owenasked the Secretary of State for Social Services what composition of families and family income levels fall within the poverty trap; and how the numbers of families have increased over the last five years in numerical terms and as a percentage of all families.
Estimated supplies for human consumption in the United Kingdom in 1980 (a) ('000 tonnes) Average producer price in 1980 (£/ tonne) Levy applicable on 23 November 1981 to United Kingdom imports from third countries (£/tonne) Common wheat 4808 (b) 98.86 46.87 Sugar 2278 27.90 (c) 185.43 (d) Beef and veal 1185 762.5 (g) 959.1 (e) Mutton and lamb 423 1257.0 (g) (f) Pork 703 866.4 (g) 250.54 (h) Bacon and ham 510 866.4 (g) 320.71 (i) Poultrymeat 756 911.0 (j) 147.72 (k) Milk liquid 7264 m.litres 12.81 p/litre (1) — butter 327 — 903.59 (m) cheese 336 — 1154.84 (n)
§ Mrs. ChalkerI shall let the right hon. Gentleman have such information as is available as soon as possible.