HC Deb 06 April 1981 vol 2 cc191-2W
Mr. D. E. Thomas

asked the Secretary of State for Energy what further sites are being considered for medium-sized wind-powered generators; and if he is considering the development and construction of offshore sitings for wind turbine generators in addition to the current land-based programme.

Mr. John Moore

The Government have already announced plans to support the construction of both a large and a medium-sized wind generator on Orkney. At present no further sites are being considered for Government-funded medium-sized wind-powered generators. However, the CEGB announced in January that it has selected a site at Carmathen Bay power station, Burny Port, Dyfed on which it plans to build a medium-sized wind-powered generator subject to obtaining statutory consent. It also intends to investigate three further possible sites for its first large-scale machine. These sites, all owned by the board, are at Wigsley near Lincoln, Bradwell, Essex, and Richborough power station, Kent.

With regard to the second part of the question, my Department has supported some preliminary studies into the feasibility and economics of exploiting wind energy offshore and is expecting to commission further work in this area in the near future.

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